Proverbs 13v22: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
How can you recognise a good man? According to (Pro.13v22), he is someone who bequeaths something tangible back to his generation. He leaves behind a blessing or an inheritance. This is the kind of person who is someone who builds lasting legacies. Are you a legacy builder, or are you just living anyhow? The essence of this series of teaching is to open your eyes to the need to start building lasting legacies everywhere you go or anywhere you are. In our first lesson, I laid a solid foundation for this all-important subject matter. However, today, I will be going a step further to share some basic truths you need to know about legacies. I am sure you are good to go, so off we go!
- It’s not an easy thing, but it’s possible. Building lasting legacies is challenging but it can be done. Because it’s demanding and laborious, this is why some people tend to shy away from it. But you need to brace yourself for this task because it will greatly enhance your life and destiny (Eccle.1v8).
- It’s not a fashionable thing. What do I mean by this? I mean it’s not something everybody seems to be interested in. That’s why it’s not in vogue. Most people are just satisfied with being blessed; they don’t want to be a blessing. My dear reader, you need to be different if you want to make a difference.
- It’s an intentional and deliberate thing. Building lasting legacies won’t just happen by chance or coincidence. It won’t happen either by mistake or default. It’s something that happens intentionally. So you need to be deliberate and purposeful about it if you will leave behind a good legacy. Are you ready for this challenge? (Dan.1v8).
- It’s the surest and safest way to live and work. If you don’t want to labour in vain, you need to build lasting legacies because it’s the safest and surest way to safeguard your labours and investments. May you never labour in vain or labour with nothing to show for it in Jesus’ name, amen. So what steps are you putting in place to secure and protect your work? (Gal.2v2; Isa.45v19).
- It’s God’s will for you to be a blessing. God wants you to be involved in the business of building lasting legacies. This truth can be seen in the scriptures and the lives of the covenant people. So my dear brothers and sisters, you are not just supposed to exist; you were meant to live a life of impact (Matt.5v14, 16). It’s time to rise up to this challenge. It’s time to live up to his plans for your life. I pray that you will not fail in Jesus’ name, amen (Ps.112v6).
Other Scriptural References: (Phil.2v15; Isa.60v15: 65v23; Acts 11v23; Matt.4v19; Pro.22v6; 1Thess.3v5; Matt.10v8; Jn.5v35).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to be able to live up to your mandate and purpose for my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Building a lasting legacy is my primary goal and desire from henceforth in Jesus’ name, amen. I will make an impact everywhere I am and everywhere I go. I am his voice and not an echo. My light will shine for his glory. I choose to be a blessing and not a burden. As I walk with the Lord through the opportunities that come my way, I will manifest my colourful destiny to the glory of his name! Hallelujah.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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