Pro.13v22: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

Our text in (Pro.13v22) makes us realize that a good man is someone who leaves something positive and tangible behind for his children’s children, i.e. in other words, he leaves behind a worthy legacy. So what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind, or are you leaving behind? This is an important and thought-provoking question! There are good and bad legacies, but I believe you are interested in leaving behind a good legacy. A good legacy is a lasting legacy. This is the kind of legacy that you need to be striving for. A lasting legacy is an enduring and ongoing legacy. It’s a legacy that keeps speaking even after you are gone. It’s a legacy that can’t be easily forgotten. A legacy that will stand the test of time. This is the kind of legacy that Jesus left for us. So my dear reader, what kind of life are you living? Are you building with the future in mind or just living anyhow?

As we discuss building legacies today, we need to define what a Legacy is. A Legacy is a bequest made in will, i.e. money or property that is left to somebody in a will. It’s something from the past. It’s something that is handed down or remains from a previous generation or time. According to the law, a legacy is also a gift of personal property by will. I believe you can now see what a legacy is really all about, and on a serious note, what kind of legacy are you building for yourself? (1Cor.3v10-13). You might not have thought about this question before, but the time to start thinking about it is now. And you don’t need to be old before you start taking the issue of legacies seriously. Instead, it’s something you need to start doing now. So how ready are you?

My dear reader, as we delve deeper into this subject matter of legacies, I want you to think on the following questions carefully:

  • If you die today, would you be greatly missed?
  • What are you going to be remembered for?
  • Are you making a positive or negative impact? (1Ki.21v25)
  • Who is getting better because of you? (Phil.2v19-22)
  • Are you a blessing or a burden? (Acts 10v38)
  • When you are not around, is your absence easily noticed? (1Sam.20v18)
  • What blessing, gift, or heritage are you passing to the next generation (2Ki.2v15)

The answers you give to these questions will help you to know whether you are building lasting legacies or not. I pray that you have the courage and wisdom to start building lasting legacies from today in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Deut.34v9; Pro.10v7: 14v1; Matt.7v16, 20; Acts 9v39).

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me be a blessing indeed unto my generation and leave something positive behind after my work is done here on earth in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I choose to be deliberate and intentional about building lasting legacies. I choose to be a positive influence over being a negative one. By the grace of God, my life will count and also be a blessing to my generation. By the grace of God, I will not just pass through this planet without making an impact and a mark that cannot be easily forgotten. I choose from today to maximize every opportunity that I have in making an enduring impact for his glory in Jesus name, amen.