Proverbs 5verse18-20: ‘Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love. For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress.’
A healthy marriage does not come by luck or coincidence but as a result of hard work! It’s not enough to wish or desire it; you must also be willing to do your part! Whatever kind of experience you may have with your spouse, it can get better if you will take the counsel of God! So far, I have shared five powerful principles that will help you develop a healthy and robust relationship with your spouse. Today by his grace, I will proceed again in sharing with you another sign or indicator of a healthy marriage!
Mutual Intimacy. A healthy marriage is one in which the couple are closely knitted to one another. This is one of the objectives of marriage! So how close are you to your spouse? Who are you closer to, i.e. your spouse, your mum, dad, your children etc.? (Pro25v19). Intimacy is one of the strong components of a sound and strong marriage. Adam and Eve were close to each other! This can also be said of Abraham and Sarah! Aquila and Priscilla! So what can you say about your relationship with your spouse? Wherever you may be in your intimacy with your partner, I pray that God will take your Intimacy to another level. My brothers and sisters, intimacy is such a critical factor in your home, so begin to work towards it from today!
And how can you know if you are intimate with your spouse or not? What are the Signs of Intimacy?
Some of the signs of an Intimate Relationship are as follows:
i. You do things together.
ii. You work together as a team or unit.
iii. You don’t keep secrets from one another.
iv. You can talk freely without any inhibition (1Jn.4v18).
v. You are physically attracted to each other (Gen.29v10-11, 20).
vi. You are emotionally connected, i.e. fond of each other.
vii. You befriend each other (Pro.5v18).
viii. You have to time for each other.
ix. You walk in spiritual agreement (Matt.18v19).
x. Physical touch has a place in marriage, i.e. hugging, holding hands etc.
These are just of ways you can know if you have mutual intimacy in your home! I believe that God will revive the bonds of intimacy between you and your spouse! Whatever is trying to separate both of you will not prevail or prosper! Together you will build a strong bond of intimacy that Satan or anyone can’t put in asunder. If you believe this, say a big amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Gen.4v1: 26v8; Eccle.11v9; 4v11; Matt.19v5; Gen.2v24-25; 1Cor.7v1-5; SOS.2v4-6: 8v3-4).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, revive and restore the bond of intimacy between my spouse and me in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I receive God’s Visitation upon my Intimacy life with my spouse! I choose to relate with my partner as my friend and confidant! As we walk in love and honesty together, our love life is getting better and stronger! My beloved is mine and I am my beloved! We are closely united and knitted together in love. No power or foe shall be able to separate us from one another. We are lifted by the power of intimacy to another level in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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