Pro.5v18-20: Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love. For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress.

The way you lay your bed is the way you will lie on it. This is a common saying among the sons of men today! And what this really means is that your preparation determines your Performance! This is also true when it comes to Marriages too! A successful marriage is not by accident or coincidence but as a result of hard work! This has been the focus of this series of lessons for some time now! I have been sharing with you some of the signs of a healthy relationship! And today, by his grace, we shall be looking at another indicator of a healthy marriage! So off we go!


4. Mutual Understanding. A healthy marriage is one in which the partners understand each other very well. If we don’t understand each other, we cannot:

– Get along easily

– Go along the same path or route.

– Stay together for a long time.

This is why understanding is very essential to the success of any relationship. My dear brothers and sisters, what does mutual understanding really imply in a Marriage? Mutual Understanding:

– Does not imply a lack of misunderstanding because healthy couples still argue or reason about things. However, their reasoning does not include physical, verbal, or emotional abuse (Amos 3v3).

– Does not imply that we agree on everything, but we find a common ground of agreement. Oftentimes, a couple can agree to disagree or disagree to agree! The bottom line is that we find a shift or adjust to find common ground! This is vitally important in any Relationship that wants to go far!

– Does not imply that we don’t disappoint or even hurt one another, but we forgive and reconcile quickly (Eph.5v26-27).

The truth of the matter is that as a couple, our opinions are bound to differ, but we need to allow love and tolerance to prevail in order to have a peaceful home! So, my dear brothers and sisters, it’s possible to walk in mutual understanding with your spouse!  You can see this principle at work in the lives of Adam and Eve (before and after the fall of man). They understood each other very well; no wonder they still stayed together even after they were sent away from the Garden of Eden.

So how can someone build mutual understanding with their spouse? You can do so by being willing:

– To take corrections (Pro.29v1).

– To learn (Pro.15v12).

– To submit/surrender (1Pet.5v5).

– To know your spouse’s temperaments/personality.

– To create a win-win situation.

– To have a listening ear (Pro.15v31).

These are just some of the things that can help you in understanding each other very well. So make up your mind from today that you will not allow any seed of discord to prevail or linger on in your relationship with your spouse, as that could be dangerous to your union! Be a peacemaker and always have a listening ear! I see you winning Big in Jesus name, Amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Jam.1v19; Pro.13v18; 16v22: 18v2; Gen.21v9-12: 31v14-17).

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me understand my spouse better in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: It’s possible to understand my spouse, therefore help me father God in understanding my partner better. Help me to be a better listener! Help me to be unselfish in my ways and actions! Help me see things from my partner’s perspective and not just my own point of view only! Help me to agree and submit to superior counsel and advice! Help me to choose always that which is best for our relationship! I am willing and ready to strive for a better understanding with my spouse, so help me, God!