Proverbs 5verse18-20: ‘Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love. For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress.’
A Successful Marriage does not come by wishing but by working! It comes as a result of playing your roles or part in the relationship and it’s possible to have a healthy marriage! God will not ask you to do what you can’t do; neither will he promise you something he can’t deliver! As you can see from our text scripture (Pro5v18-20) it’s possible to have a wonderful relationship with your spouse. This is also the Expectation of God concerning your Home. I pray that you will begin to experience God’s fullness in your home from today. So how can you know if your marriage is healthy or not? This has been the focus of our discussion for some time now and today, by his grace, we will be looking at another parameter for measuring a Strong and Healthy Marriage! So if you are ready, here we go!
3. Mutual Trust. A healthy marriage is one in which both partners trust each other very well. Trust is such a major or key determinant of a healthy relationship, so do you trust each other? A relationship that’s based on lies, deceit, hypocrisy, suspicion, etc. can’t work or even last! And trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship (Pro31v10-11). Your spouse is supposed to be your greatest confidant. The word trust means reliance, dependable, faith in, confidence in, loyal to, etc.
My dearly beloved ones, I have discovered that a lot of things will test your trust for one another, and some of these things are as follows:
– Time (Jer.13v23).
– Distance.
– Pressure/Challenges.
– Money
– Position/Power/Prominence.
– People (Male or female).
– Betrayal/Disappointment.
The couple that succeeds in passing these tests will come out stronger and better in their trust for each other. So how would you score yourself as per the above parameters? I want you to know that it can get better wherever you are with the trust issue. So start building and improving on your trust walk with your spouse!
My dear reader, where there is Trust, you will see that:
– There is openness and sincerity of heart and purpose (Col.3v9).
– Partners speak and live by the Truth (Pro.12v19, 21).
– Partners keep their promises. Their words and actions tally or match. They do exactly what they say. There is consistency! (Matt.23v3).
– Partners act in the best interest of each other (1Cor.10v24).
– Partners love each other sincerely because Love makes Trust Possible (Jn.21v15-17).
It’s time for you to become the kind of partner that can be depended upon! The more you and your spouse can trust each other, the better your ability to work together! So, may today mark a new beginning in your trust walk with your partner!
Other Scriptural References: (1Sam.14v6-7; Gen.11v3-4; Philip.2v19-21; Gen.2v25; Pro.25v19).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to be the kind of partner that can be Trusted any day anytime in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, help me to take my trust walk with my spouse to another level! I always choose to speak the truth and I will deal openly and honestly with my partner! I renounce every evil work of darkness and deceit! And I embrace a culture of loyalty, trustworthiness, and sincerity in my walk with my spouse! O Lord, help me to regain and build a stronger trust walk with my partner!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.