Proverbs16v7: “When a man’s ways please the Lord. He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
I believe that you are getting blessed through this series on obtaining favour! The favour is such an essential component in the journey of life and as a believer, although God’s favour is your heritage, it does not mean that you will automatically walk in it. This is why we have been looking at the biblical means of tapping into the favour of God! Yes, God’s favour is available to you but you need to know how to provoke it.
Today by the grace of God, we shall be considering some other powerful principles in activating God’s favour. So without much ado, I will like to share these truths with you the right way!
7.Seeking God’s favour. This is another important criterion in experiencing God’s favour. As you won’t find what you don’t Seek! So you need to earnestly, consciously and intentionally seek God’s favour. It’s not something you leave to chance or coincidence but something you do aggressively and deliberately.
So it’s time for you to begin to seek God’s favour with all your heart and continually. This is how to guarantee your operating in the favour of God (Matt.7v7-8). I see the tide changing in your favour as you begin to pursue like never before God’s favour.
I see a pattern in the bible that those who sought God’s favour with their hearts were never put to shame. Is it Esther? (Esth.2v9, 15: 5v1-3: 7v1-3). Or is it David? (Acts 7v46; Ps.31v16). Precious Child of God, I declare today that it’s your time to begin to enjoy the unusual favours of God.
Maintaining a Life of gratitude. Gratitude is the key to a Graceful or favourable Life. Grateful People are Graceful People. They never lack Grace or Favour! This is one of the secrets behind the life of Apostle Paul and King David also (2Cor.4v15).
So what are you waiting for my dear reader? It’s time to increase your Gratitude Quotient! The Grateful you are, the more Graceful your life will be and vice versa also. So if I were you, I would begin to take my gratitude Lifestyle seriously because Gratitude will open the doors of Unusual Favours. This will be your testimony beginning from this moment (Ps.67v5-7).
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 2v47; Lk.17v15-19; Matt.14v19-21; Matt.15v36-37; Ps.119v132, 135; Neh.1v11; 2Chro.14v11; Pro.21v30).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I never want to live and operate outside your favour in the remaining days of my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: God’s favour is working mightily in me. His favour is speaking powerfully in my endeavours. I am a carrier and a partaker of his favour! Therefore, I enjoy unusual access and help everywhere I go because of his favour. I will never be stranded neither will I be put to shame. Glory be to Jesus for I am lifted by his favour.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.