(1 Samuel 24:14: After whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom do you pursue? A dead dog? A flea?)

Every human being is of great value and worth because we are the crowning glory of God’s creation (Genesis 1:31). We are unique and special. This is why it’s important to believe in yourself and not stop talking down on yourself. Stop despising you. Instead, you need to believe in what God has made. Believe in who you are.

Believe in your personality. It’s natural to doubt ourselves and this is what David did here in 1 Samuel 24:14. He referred to himself as a dead dog and a flea, that is, someone with little or no significance. This is how many of us also see ourselves but this is not how God sees us and who we truly are in Christ (Ephesians 2:10). So, it’s time to stop disbelieving yourself. It’s time to become your greatest cheerleader.

Some important truths about believing in yourself:
It’s easier to believe in others than to believe in ourselves. In fact, many people believe in others than themselves.
Believing in yourself is the greatest favour and compliment that you can do for yourself.
If you don’t believe in yourself, others won’t believe in you.

God believes so much in you, so why are you discrediting yourself? (Judges 6:12-14)
The more you believe in yourself, the lesser you compare yourself with others.
So, start believing in yourself from today and embrace whom God has made you to be. You are not just ordinary but an extraordinary being.

OTHER SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES: Psalm 139:14; 1 Samuel 18:23: 26:20; 2 Samuel 9:8).

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord, forgive me for not believing in myself. I receive grace and mercy from today to start believing in myself. Holy Spirit, I receive your help in Jesus name, Amen.

CONFESSION: I believe in myself. I believe in what God has made me to be. I believe in who I am. I am not ordinary or cheap. I am the highest and most intelligent of God’s Creation. I have value and worth. I am not a Liability but an Asset and I stop doubting myself. I believe God will get the job done through me and will fulfill my colorful destiny in Jesus name, Amen.