Daniel 1verse8 ‘But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.’
I trust that you are enjoying this series on the power of your decision. And today, by his grace, I intend to continue with our discussion on things to consider before making any decisions. By the way, what is a decision?
-It’s a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration
-It’s a choice you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.
So with these definitions in mind, what are the other factors to consider before making any decision? You need to:
2. Do your homework very well. This has to do with your background checks, analysis, research, investigation, findings etc. Doing your homework also includes:
-Considering the possibilities
-Considering the pros and cons
-Comparing the risks versus rewards.
So my dear reader, how prepared are you for this exercise? Pro24v27
3. Seek counsel from the right people and quarters. Pro11v14. If you want legal advice, do you go to a carpenter or lawyer? If you want medical advice, do you go to a doctor or contractor? I believe your answers to these questions are as good as mine. So before you make any major decision, seek counsel from the right people. So who should you go to then? You need to get counsel from:
-The experts (people who know more than you do)
-People who have been to where you are going. 1Sam3v9
-Tested and proven sources.
-Those who genuinely care about you.
-Those who will tell you the truth. Eph4v14
So who are your counsellors? 2Sam15v12,31; 16v23. When you start paying attention to this factor, it will improve your capacity to make better decisions.
4. Question your motives. This is another critical factor in making any decision. You need to ask yourself some pertinent questions, such as:
-Why are you making that decision?
-Is your decision godly or fleshly motivated?
-Is it to please me, others or God?
The answers you give to these questions will determine the motivation behind your decisions. If your motives are wrong, then the decision is not right and vice versa also. Jam4v3: Ps139v23-24
My dear brothers and sisters, I believe that you now know some of the critical factors to consider in making your decision. If this has blessed you, kindly share it with someone else. I celebrate you dearly!
Other Scriptural References: 1Sam18v5,20: Pro16v2: 1Ki16v30-33: Pro4v5,7: 2Chro10v1-19
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive courage to work out these principles in my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for these powerful truths that you have placed at my disposal. With your help and wisdom, I am in a better position regarding making decisions. I no longer walk in the dark, but I now walk in the light of God. As I walk with these wonderful insights, my capacity to make better decisions is strengthened in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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