Daniel 1verse8 ‘But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.’
Our decisions are much more powerful than we think. Your decisions have all kinds of implications. It carries physical, emotional, and financial costs etc. This Is why you need to consider some critical factors before making any decision. What are these critical factors? They are part of the things I will be sharing with you today, but before I do so, I want to share some of your decisions’ implications.
Your Decisions:
1. Determines your Tomorrow or Future. So this simply means that your Future is in your decisions.
2.Determines the direction in which your life will go, i.e. either forward, stagnant or backward. Pro4v18
3.Determines your Realities and Opportunities in Life.Gal6v7.
I believe you can now see why you need to look before making any decision. So before you make any decision, what are the things to consider? You need:
1.God. You must consider what God has to say about that decision. This simply means you should not make decisions without God’s involvement and leadership. My dear reader, this is one of the most important things to consider before making any decision. So my question to you today is this: Have you asked God’s opinion or thoughts about what you intend to do? If people do this more often, it will reduce or even eliminate some of the dangers or challenges people face regarding their decisions. I have also discovered that those who ask God’s opinion about life issues seem to be in a stronger position than others. This was one of the secrets of King David, no wonder he was the noblest and most successful king of Israel. Are you willing to follow his example? 1Sam23v2,4;30v8: Ps105v4
Other Scriptural References: Jer10v23: Pro20v24: Rut1v1-5: Jer42v6: Gen12v1-4
Prayer for Today: Lord, I choose to put you first in all my decisions. Please help me, God!
CONFESSION: My destiny lies in my decisions. My tomorrow is in my decisions. Therefore, I choose to start paying attention to my decisions and choices from today. As I put you first in all my considerations, I will never be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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