Acts 24v25: Now as he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time, I will call for you.”

Procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow and it’s also a thief of your blessings. It has the potential of robbing you of your destiny, if you allow it. It robbed Felix the governor the opportunity of getting saved when Apostle Paul stood before him in (Acts 24v25). He delayed instead of taking action. Delay can be dangerous at times. This is why you need to deal with the habit of putting off till tomorrow what ought to be done now (Col.4v5)
How can you know whether you are a procrastinator or not? How can you recognise a procrastinator?
Traits of a procrastinator:

A procrastinator is:
i. Someone with the habit of making excuses. Are you fond of making excuses or taking responsibility? (Lk.14v18).
ii. Someone who is always wishing instead of acting. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride one. A procrastinator is always full of wishes; they never backup their words with actions (Lk.15v17-18, 20).
iii. Someone who is fond of blaming things or others for their misfortunes. They find it easier to pass the buck instead of taking up the challenge (Gen.3v11-13).
iv. Someone with a lazy attitude. Procrastinators are lazy people and lazy people are procrastinators. Both of them walk hand-in-hand. You cannot separate the two (Pro.22v13).
v. Someone who is fond of quitting instead of persevering. This is how you know a procrastinator. They are quitters and not finishers. Remember that quitters never win and winners never quit. Are you a winner or a quitter? (Matt.10v22).
vi. Someone who is fond of wasting time/resources instead of investing them wisely. Are you an investor or a waster? (Pro.18v9).
vii. Someone with the habit of postponing things. Tomorrow is the only day that appeals to a lazy man. It’s time to be decisive!

What kind of person are you when it comes to procrastination? Are you winning the warfare against procrastination in your life? I believe victory is your heritage as you confront this dreaded enemy of your destiny. I’ll see you at the top!

Other Scriptural References: (Pro.26v13; Eccle.11v4; Eph.5v16; Num.13v30; Lk.23v39-43; Exo.3v11, 13: 4v2, 10, 13).

Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I rebel against every form of procrastination in my life today in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I say no to procrastination. It shall not dominate or rule my life. I renounce every form of laziness, excuses and indecision in my life. I refuse to serve procrastination anymore. I choose to be decisive and action-oriented. I am proactive and not passive. I am pushing and pressing forward. I am embracing a new attitude and mentality to my assignment and thing. Heavenly Father, please help me to stand true to my commitment and purpose.