Col.2v6-7: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Your capacity to give thanks is something that ought to be getting better and better as each day passes. You need to grow in your Gratitude Quotient! This is why I have been sharing with you this great subject matter. As you can also see from our text scripture in (Colossians 2 verse 6-7) that God wants you to abound in Thanksgiving. He literally wants you to overflow with Thanks. This is his will for you and this is surely something that will change your life forever. So how can you increase your Gratitude? How can you amplify the voice of your Gratitude? You can do so by:
- Be intentional about your gratitude. Don’t wait to be in the mood or to feel like it before Thanking God. Just thank God anyway and anyhow. Make sure you go out of your way in praising God. This is how you can grow in your capacity to give Thanks. So make up your mind from today that you will be Deliberate about your Gratitude. Doing this will be one of the best things that can ever happen to you (Ps.34v1-2: 33v1).
- Find something to be grateful for. Do you know that there is always something to be grateful for? Yes, absolutely true If you decide to look inwards, around you or look up, you will see that three are so many things to be grateful for. Don’t ever allow what you are going through to prevent you from seeing what God has done or his doing. You will always find what you are looking for and most of the times what you see or find out is based on who you are. So your Personality determines your Perception. So what can you see? What are you most grateful for? As you begin to find something to be grateful for, you will discover your praise life will begin to grow by leaps and bounds (Rom.1v8).
- Spend more time in appreciation to God. I mean allocate more time to the business of showing gratitude. If your capacity to show thanks will grow, then you must of necessity give more time to praising and thanking God. So how much time do you currently spend thanking God? It’s time to make out more time for thanksgiving God. The more you do this, the better you will become. So why not Begin Today? Let nothing stop you. Practice makes Perfect and you will become like you practice. So start Practicing now. Start from where you are now and watch where God will take you in Jesus name, amen (Col.4v2).
- Stay focused on the positives and not the negatives. This is a very important key to increasing your Thanksgiving. So dear Precious Child of God, choose to always find the good in whatever situation of life that you find yourself. This is one of the secrets of amplifying Your Gratitude. Choose to focus on the good and not the bad. Focus on the positives and not the negatives. This was what Joseph did when he was outside Israel. One thing God has given you the power to change or choose is your attitude. You may not have control over what happens to you but you can surely determine who it will end. So deliberately stay focused on what is good and not what is bad, in this way you will be taking your gratitude life to a new level. So my dear reader, don’t allowing the enemy of your soul to toss you to and fro. Choose your focus wisely. Choose to focus on the good and not bad. As you do this, you discover a new life unfolding for you in Jesus name, amen (Ps.57v7).
Other Scriptural References: (Philp.4v8; 2Cor.6v10: 7v4; Neh.13v2; Ps.116v2: 119v62, 164; 1Cor.1v4; Heb.13v16; Hab.3v17-19).
Prayer for Today: Thank you, Father God, for these truths, it’s taking me to another dimension in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: As I walk in these Truths revealed unto me, my gratitude Lifestyle is changing for the better. By His Grace, I am becoming more gratitude inclined. I say bye-bye to a life of complaining or murmuring. As I embrace gratitude as a way of living, I am becoming a stronger believer and also a partaker of his Amazing Wonders in my life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I choose to focus on the positives, my gratitude lifestyle is changing for the better so help me Lord in JESUS Name.
I have a choice over my attitude and the way I react and perceive things. Help me Lord to take my gratitude to the next level as I abide in You.