Col.2v6-7: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
If there is one thing that we need to earnestly amplify in our lives, it’s nothing other than Gratitude. Yes, our Gratitude ought to be greater than our Complaints, Murmurings, Reasoning’s or grumbling. This is how God wants you to live, this is why he admonishes you in (Colossians 2 verse 6-7) among several other things, to abound in thanksgiving. To abound means to overflow or be excessive in something. In this regard, you need to abound in Gratitude. God wants you to be superabundant in quantity and quality when it comes to Gratitude. Hence, the reason why you need to amplify your Gratitude. To amplify means to increase or make something louder. To make something larger or greater as in amount, importance or intensity. This is how God wants you and I to practice our Gratitude (Heb.13v15; 1Thess.5v18). So which is more in your life? Is it your Gratitude or Complaining? I know this are challenging times but you need to know that whatever God asks you to do, it’s for your benefit and profiting. So you need to understand that you stand to be better and stronger as a result of obeying his Instructions. So it’s time for you to amplify the voice of your Gratitude. Make it louder like the Samaritan leper did it in (Luke 17v12-19). I guarantee you that you will be better at the end of the day if you do so. My dear reader, you need to join the company of those who amplify their thanksgiving. If God has really been good to you, you ought to show it and not hide it. I have discovered certain realities about a truly grateful Man that I would like to share with you:
Realities About a Grateful Person:
1. A Grateful man will never be grounded or stranded. This is such a powerful truth. Grateful people never lack help or support because the attitude of gratitude provokes God’s favor on their behalf. This is one of the major secrets of David. He enjoyed uncommon favors because he was a thanksgiver (Ps.34v1-2). This too can become your lot, if you will imbibe the culture of Thanksgiving.
2. A Grateful man will abound in Grace. This is why Grateful people are Graceful people. They are not lacking in Grace. My dear reader, you really need the grace of God in your life. Grace is what makes life colourful and beautiful. It simplifies life and makes things easy. I see you entering into this dimension as you embrace the lifestyle of Gratitude (2Cor.4v15)
3. A Grateful man shall abound with Blessings. I know some people can do anything for the blessing but you know what, there is a cheaper way to experiencing the blessings and this is through a lifestyle of Thanksgiving. Grateful people never lack God’s blessings. They have his blessings in abundance. This is what happened to the Samaritan leper too. He was not only healed of his leprosy, but he was also saved and made whole. He got something more than the remaining 9 lepers. This is what gratitude does, it opens the door of unlimited blessings to you. This will also be your portion as you begin to take your gratitude Lifestyle more seriously (Lk.17v15-19).
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s a new day. It’s time for you to amplify the voice of your Gratitude. As you do this, I see a new you Arise in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Eph.5v20; Matt.14v19-20; Philip.1v3; 1Thess.1v2; Ps.145v1-2: 146v1-2).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to imbibe the culture of Gratitude into my lifestyle in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to Jesus; I embrace the spirit of Gratitude. I chose gratitude above grumbling. I choose gratitude above complaining. I choose to work on my Gratitude quotient from today. Gratitude is becoming a way of life for me. Therefore, I renounce every spirit of murmuring from my life and operations in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Gratitude is becoming a way of life, help me Lord to take my gratitude lifestyle to a higher level.
Help me Lord to take my Gratitude lifestyle to a higher level.