Psalm 115verse14-15 ‘V14-The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children. V15-Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.’
Precious child of God, his covenant of Increase is yours. You are meant to increase and you are set for increase! This is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus! This is what God wants you to experience and this is what I have been sharing with you in these series of teachings! I strongly believe that his covenant of Increase will be written all over your life in Jesus name amen. So back to our conversation of how to activate this covenant of increase. Yes there are ways of activating this covenant and Glory be to God, it is something that you too can access! So how can this covenant speak in your life?
2. By believing this promise. It is not enough to have the promise but it’s important also to believe it. Believing it is very important because your belief determines what you have! So you need to add faith with this promise. Mix your faith with it in order for this promise to come alive. As you believe, the power of God is activated to bring it to pass in your life. I see this becoming the order of day in your life! Say this out loud! I believe in God’s covenant of Increase and this covenant will speak powerfully in my life. Acts27v25; Lk1v45.
3. By obeying his voice. This is another important key in unlocking the covenant of Increase. And God’s voice will usually come to you in diverse ways but the most common ways are:
-Through his Word. The word of God is the voice of God. So as God’s word comes to you, are you ready to obey it? Ps103v20.
-Through his Spirit. And the Holy Spirit will usually speak through your spirit man, so how prepared are you in obeying the promptings and leading of the spirit. The easier for you to do this, the easier for you to walk in his covenant of Increase. So my dear friends it’s time for you to make up your mind to obeying the dictates of the spirit of God. Doing this will usher you into a lifestyle of usual Increase and Glory! I see you entering into this dimension as you embrace this covenant In Jesus name amen. Gen17v1-2; Jn2v5
Other Scriptural References: Gen22v1-2, 16-17; Lk5v4-6; Jn21v6; Matt9v39; Heb4v1-2; Mk9v23
Prayer for Today: Lord grant me the Grace to be a doer of your word indeed in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: By this encounter with his word! I declare that I am set for increase and lifting on all sides! My life will be a reflection of his Increase because his covenant of Increase is mine and it’s speaking abundantly in my life and endeavors! Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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