Psalm 115verse14-15 ‘V14-The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children. V15-Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.’

Dearly beloved as you can see from our text scripture (Ps115v14-15) that God takes delight in increasing you as his child. This is why you should not settle for anything lesser. Increase is your portion and heritage! And increasing you will increase in Jesus name amen. However before this increase becomes a reality, there are some truths that you need to know about increase! I have shared 4 of such with us and today, by his grace, I will be sharing the remaining three with you. If you are ready, here we go!

5. There are different levels or measures of increase. I have discovered that increase comes in different measures or levels. Take, for example, the children of Israel in Egypt experienced increase on five levels according to Exodus 1verse 7:
-They were fruitful.
-They increased abundantly.
-They were multiplied.
-They waxed exceeding mighty.
-They filled the land.
So my dear brothers and sisters, God also wants to increase on different levels or measures! Are you ready for this kind of increase? Eze47v5

6. Increase is not just by accident or coincidental. You have a part to play in your increase. There are conditions to be met in order to increase like God intends. And the interesting thing about these conditions is that it is not something that you cannot meet! You will see what I mean by this as we progress in this series. So stay with me. Jb8v7; Mic6v8

7. There are barriers on your pathway to increase that you have to deal with. What do I mean by this? There are enemies of your increase. There are things that does not want you to increase. These things are designed by Satan to stop you. But he won’t succeed if you give him no place. He will always try but glory be to God, you are more than a conqueror in Christ! So my candid advice is to give Satan no space or opportunity in your life! As you put yourself in a spiritually alert position, you will overcome all the fiery darts of Satan. If you believe this, can I hear a thunderous amen? So what are you waiting for? Go forth and manifest your covenant of increase!

Other Scriptural References: Jn10v10; 1Chro4v9-10; Deut28v1-2; Matt13v8; Deut1v11; 1Tim1v18

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I receive grace and wisdom in applying these truths into my Life in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Glory be to God! For my increase has come! Nothing will stop me from experiencing his covenant of Increase! Satan and his cohorts cannot stop me because my mind is made up! I take hold of my covenant of Increase in Jesus name, amen.