Genesis 11verse1-6:  ‘Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly”. They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth”. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the son’s men had built. And the Lord said, “indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.’ 

I sincerely believe that you are being blessed and enriched by this series of lessons on learning how to work together as a team. I have shared with you so far six life-changing principles about working together and today, by the grace of God, I will be sharing the seventh principle that will enable you to work better in any kind of human relationship. So without much ado, let’s examine this principle right away. 


  1. Seeing your diversities rightly. What do I mean by this? I mean looking at your diversities from the right perspectives or mindset. Yes, seeing your diversity correctly will enable your team to function properly. A team is usually made up of diverse types of people, i.e. young, old, middle-aged, married, single, or even divorced or separated people (1Cor.12v12, 14). A team needs some measure of diversity for it to succeed. However, you cannot all be the same in your nature, deeds, personality, etc. So how you see the diversity in your Team and what you see is important because it will determine what you do, how you behave, how you work, what you say etc. This is why you need to see your diversity correctly. Diversity is good, godly, and healthy. So how can a team tap into their diversities? How can you benefit from the diversity in your team? 

By playing your roles and part to the best of your ability. My dear reader, just make sure that whatever role you play in your team, do it very well. In this way, you will be leveraging the power of Teamwork (Eccle.9v10). 

By serving in the area of your strengths and grace. Don’t be a square peg in a round hole. Use your gift to add value to your team. Be yourself and stop trying to be like someone else. This is one of the ways by which you tap into the diversity in your team. Do you know that when everyone does this, it makes your team stronger? (Pro.27v8) 

By having a listening ear. Be willing to listen to the other person’s viewpoint, ideas, or advice. Be willing to learn from others. Find common grounds of agreement instead of focusing on your differences. In this way, you will succeed in making your team better (Acts 15v37-40). 

By celebrating the uniqueness of your team members. Yes, learning to celebrate what others carry goes a long way in helping the team to work together. What you have, your fellow team member may not have, and vice versa also. So learn to appreciate your team members for who they are and, most importantly, what they bring to the table (1Cor.12v14-16). 

Wisdom in managing the diversities in your team. This Is one major ability that you need if you will be successful in working with others. This is what King David had in managing his Army. You, too, need this kind of Wisdom. You need wisdom in managing the egos, excesses, behaviour, etc., of your team members. The more of his wisdom, the better your relationship with your team members. So my dear brothers and sisters, make sure you get this kind of Wisdom if you really want to make a success out of your human relationship (Jug.8v1-4). 

I hope you can see why you need to have the right perspective on seeing the diversity in your team. The better you are able to see these diversities, the better your working together will be. So make up your mind to embrace this kind of mentality. 

Other Scriptural References: (Jug.12v1-7; Pro.26v4-5; Ps.139v14; 1Pet.4v10-11; 2Chro.26v5, 16-18; 1Cor.12v4-6; Eph.4v16). 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I chose to look at the diversity in my team from the positive dimension in Jesus name, amen. 

CONFESSION: I see diversity as a form of strength and not a form of weakness. I recognize that every member of my team has something of value to contribute. Our diversity is a blessing and not a burden. It’s a plus factor and not a bad thing. Therefore, I choose to leverage on the diversities in my team for the glory of his name in Jesus name, amen.