Genesis 11verse1-6:  ‘Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly”. They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth”. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the son’s men had built. And the Lord said, “indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.’ 

I trust you are enjoying this series of teachings on how to achieve Teamwork. You need to learn how to walk with others if you will ever get to your desired destination in life or ministry and besides, there is a limit to what you alone can do. The partnership makes the dream work. The secret behind the success of the people building the Tower in Genesis 11 was their ability to work together. So you need to learn how to work together with others if you ever accomplish anything in your Marriage, Business, Work or Organization. So far, I have shared 3 powerful keys that can help you in working with others effectively. Today by his grace, I will be sharing another important principle in the concept of working together with others. Are you ready for this? So off we go! 


4. Love. If any team would work together successfully, there must be true and sincere love among them. Love is such a critical factor in any team any day, any time. Love is the strongest force in the world because God is Love (1Jn.4v7-8). Love is divine or God in action or Motion. Therefore, my dear reader, you ought to: 

– Love God sincerely (Deut.6v4-6). 

– Love one another sincerely (Rom.12v9). 

– Love yourself sincerely (Lk.10v27). 

The love of God is a binding factor in any team; this is why you need to cultivate and develop love in your team. So how can this be done? How can we build Love in a Team? This is what I intend to share with you now!  


We must genuinely care about each other. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. So caring and showing concern for the needs of your team members is one way you can develop love in your team. So why not start today? Take time to know their names, what they do, where they live etc. This kind of activity will go a long way in creating an atmosphere of love (Lk.10v30-37). 

– We must be willing to make sacrifices for each other. This is what builds love in a team. No sacrifices! No love! Real love involves making sacrifices for your team members. This what one of the things that Nehemiah did while he was rebuilding the broken-down walls of Jerusalem (Neh.5v19). Are you ready to spend and be spent for your fellow team members? What are you willing to sacrifice for the good of the team? These are important questions you need to ask yourself if you will work together with others. I pray for you today that your capacity to make sacrifices will go to another level! (2Cor.12v15). 

We must be willing to give. Giving is one of the proofs of your love for God or your fellow human being. So what are you giving? Are you giving your time, talent, treasure, skills etc.? Real lovers are givers! You cannot separate giving from love! They go hand in hand. They are inseparable. So giving is the evidence of love! So my dear brothers and sisters, what are you giving to your team? If nothing is coming out from you to your team members, then it also means you are not committed to your team! So it’s time to be a Giver! Be a contributor and not just a Consumer! (Lk.8v2-3). 

We must genuinely love what we do. If you don’t love your work or assignment, it will be difficult to find fulfilment in the team you belong to. So you love to be a member of that team or are just playing to the gallery? This is a very important question to ask yourself as you can only be accomplished at what you love. Don’t be a square peg in a round hole. Make sure you do what you love and have passion for. Life is too short and precious to live a frustrated life. Be at the right place so that you can contribute meaningfully to your team. Do what you love so that you can work successfully with others (Rom.1v16). 

Be willing to forgive others and yourself. Offences may come. You need to learn how to handle misunderstandings, a difference of opinions, hurts and grievances etc., very well if you will be successful in working with others. Unforgiveness and Bitterness remain one of the major hindrances in human relationships. And believe me, there are bounds to be disagreements.  But you must learn how to resolve our differences. The fact that you are Different does not mean that you can’t work with others. And besides the fact that you disagree with someone does not mean you can’t work together. You need to learn how to forgive and even forget. Forgiveness is what makes love possible in any team. Successful teams know how to resolve their differences and move past their pains and disappointments (Col.3v13-14). To err is human, but forgiveness is divine. My dear brothers and sisters, I can’t guarantee you that you won’t be hurt in working with others, but one thing is sure, you will be a much better person if you handle these issues maturely. So it’s time to move past your differences with your partner or team members! I want you to remember that there are no perfect teams but only Working or Developing Teams. So make up your mind that you will learn how to move past the disappointments you experience in serving others better. Choose to be a forgiver today! It will help you greatly in working better with others. I pray for you today that you will find healing and succour for every wound and hurt in Jesus name, amen. 

My dear reader, it’s time to embrace love, indeed forgiveness, in all your dealings with others. Let the love of God permeate through you as you relate with others in Jesus name, amen. 

Other Scriptural References: (Pro.10v12; Eph.4v31-32: 1Cor.9v16; Acts 4v34-37; 1Jn.3v18; Jn.13v34-35: 15v13; Rom.5v5). 

Prayer for Today: Lord, let your love permeate through me to my fellow team members in Jesus name, amen.  

CONFESSION: I choose to walk in love and not hatred. I will allow the love of God to govern my operations with the people I relate with. I receive grace and God’s help in overcoming the hurts and disappointments of the past. I choose to move past every negative experience with people. I embrace love and not hate! I chose to be a living example of the love of God in my Human relationships. Glory be to God, for I am becoming a better person when it comes to relating with other people.