1Cor.10v24: Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.
I do hope that you are been blessed through this series on how to live a significant life. This is one of our primary callings as believers and it’s time to live up to this challenge. I have shared 4 major principles so far with you on how to live a significant life. Today, I will be sharing 2 more powerful keys with you, so here we go!
5. Serving with what God has given you or where you are. Yes, the Almighty has given you gifts, talents, abilities, skills etc. These things are not meant for decoration but to serve humanity. What are you doing with what you have or have received? Service is the pathway to greatness or significance in life! It’s time for you to serve! So:
- What are you doing for God? (Isa.6v8)
- What are you doing for His Kingdom (Lk.7v5)
- What are you doing for humanity? (Matt.20v26-28).
My dear reader, there is something you can do and the earlier you wake up to this responsibility, the better your life will become. Through your service, you can become the Mother Theresa and Dorcas of this world. It’s time to serve.
6. Making an impact right where you are or with what you have. You can make an impact because you are an extraordinary person. You can add value to people’s lives and where you are if you will begin to make good use of the opportunities, talents, and abilities that you have. You don’t have to be wealthy or big to make an impact. Just seize the opportunities God has brought your way. This was what the little Jewish girl in Naaman’s house did in (2Ki.5v3). Her advice brought healing and deliverance to the Great Naaman of Syria. Child of God, what are you going to do with the opportunities that God is bringing your way? I encourage you to begin to make good use of them from today so that your light can begin to shine for His glory in Jesus name, amen (Matt.5v16).
Other Scriptural References: (Rom.12v6; Matt.20v6; Lk.2v36-38; Dan.6v16; 1Pet.4v10-11; 1Sam.18v30: 20v18: 22v14).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to make an impact with what you have given me and where I am in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I delight to make an impact with my life. I delight to bring you glory. Oh Lord, shine your light in my life. Help me to make a difference with what you have given me and where you have placed me. Help me to be a blessing indeed. Help me to be a value-added person. Let others become better through my life and contribution. Let your name be glorified in my life and endeavours in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Making impact where I am and with what I have, Lord I receive more Grace in JESUS Name. Thank you Sir.