1Cor.10v24: Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.
Life can either be lived on the survival, success or significant level. As we have seen from our text scripture and this series so far that God’s purpose is for you to live a significant life. I have shared two key principles that can enable you to truly be a blessing to your generation. Today by His grace, we will go further in examining what it takes to live a significant life. If you are ready, here we go!
- Be a contributor and not just a consumer. A contributor is someone who brings something to the table of life; such things can be ideas, concepts, counsel/advice, initiatives etc. This is the kind of person you need to be if you have to make a difference. What can you contribute or what are you contributing to life? You know you can contribute money, resources, help or support, wisdom etc. It’s time to be a creator and not a complainer! It’s time to be a giver and not just a receiver! Life is not just measured in terms of duration but in terms of donation. The time has come for you to make worthwhile contributions (Phil.4v15-19).
4. Be a blessing to someone. It’s far better to be a blessing than to be blessed. By the way, what does it mean to be a blessing? it means to be:
- Be a source of inspiration or joy to others (Phil.2v20).
- Be a solution provider or problem solver (2Tim.1v15-18).
- Be a helping hand to others. Like Suzanna and Joana were to Jesus Christ (Lk.8v2-3).
- Meet the needs of another.
- Give or impact something or share what you have (Rom.1v11).
Who are you blessing and how can you be a blessing? You can be a blessing by:
- Being a soul winner (Pro.11v30; Jn.4v29).
- Mentoring, teaching or coaching others (Matt.4v19; Acts 4v13).
- Giving what you have (Mk.14v8).
My dear reader, can you think of other ways of being a blessing to others? I’m sure you can and as you follow these leads, your life will never be the same again in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Jn.6v9; Mk.5v19; Phil.2v29; Acts 20v35: 13v36; 1Pet.3v9; Pro.28v20).
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to be a contributor and a blessing to my generation in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to live a life of significance. I choose to add value where I am and where I go. I choose to make the most of my time instead of wasting opportunities. I choose to do what I can do with what I have now and where I am now. I choose to maximize my opportunities. I choose to give my best. I choose to make a difference. I choose to act now. I choose to be a blessing and not a burden. I choose to be a voice and not an echo. I choose to be his shining light. Please help me Holy Spirit!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I choose to maximize my opportunities, I choose to be a shining light, help me Lord in JESUS Name.