Proverbs 19:21 — AMPC: “Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand”

Our focus today is still on purposeful living and what it really means. I believe you have been blessed by the points we have examined so far. Once again, what is a purposeful life?

  1. It’s a fulfilling life.  A purposeful life is a satisfying and gratifying life to live. Nothing satisfies like a purposeful life. This is why you should make this your priority and goal. There is no fulfillment in drugs, drunkenness, selfishness, fame or power etc. Real fulfillment and happiness is found in living a life of purpose (2 Timothy 4:6-8). In fact, research also shows that purpose and training in life are associated with the highest levels of happiness. So, if you want to be happy in life, live a life of purpose.

My dear reader, are you fulfilling the purpose for your creation? Are you fulfilled in life or just going through the motions? By the way, the secret to a life of fulfillment and satisfaction is to:

  • Build your life around your purpose. The business of living is about pursuing a life of purpose first; every other thing is secondary (John 4:34).
  • Build your works and endeavours around your purpose. Ideally, your work or business should be your purpose (John 17:4).
  • Build everything you do around your purpose and not the other way round. This is how to truly live if you ever want to be greatly satisfied and fulfilled (John 6:38).

It’s time to commit yourself to a life of purpose and stop chasing shadows!

OTHER SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES: (Acts 20:22-24: 13:36; 1 Corinthians 9:16; Philippians 2:17)

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father, I make purposeful living my goal and pursuit. Purposeful living is my primary preoccupation in life not happiness, power or fame because I know that my happiness and progress is in my purpose. Blessed comforter, help me to stay true and focused on purposeful living.

CONFESSION: I live a life of satisfaction and fulfillment as I pursue purposeful living. My joy and happiness knows no boundaries because I am fulfilling the reason for my creation. I am not running another man’s race neither am I trying to be like someone else. I am happy and contented with who God has made me to be, what he wants me to do and where he wants me to get to. Therefore, frustration and disappointment(s) are not my portion or heritage in Jesus name, Amen.