Ephesians4verse22-24‘V22-That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; V23-And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; V24-And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

We all seek to be better to one extent, but I have discovered that you cannot be a better You all by yourself. You will need the help of God to achieve this. From my experience, any change you embark on without God will be an exercise in futility. You cannot change your ways or yourself all by yourself. You can see several examples of these truths in the scriptures, especially in the lives of Saul becoming Paul, Moses from being a stammerer into a Great deliverer and Gideon from being a timid person to a courageous leader. If these men could achieve a better version of themselves, then there is hope for them too.
So how can you experience this Transformation? How can you experience real and permanent Change? You can do so by:

1. Surrendering Your life to Jesus Christ. This is your entrance point into a better version of yourself. This is why there was nobody who had a genuine encounter with God that ever remained the same. Their lives, stories and testimonies never remain the same. I believe this will also be your testimony in Jesus’s name, amen. 2Cor5v17: Acts4v13

2. By embracing the Word of God in totality. Nothing changes a man completely other than the word of God. The word of God is a life changer and change agent. You become a better version of yourself as you accept and imbibe the truths of God’s word. As you can see from our text scripture (Ephesians 4v22-24) that it will take a combination of:
-Taking off the old man
-Renewing your mind
-And putting on the new man, in order to become a better you. Are you willing to pay the price? Heb4v12: Jn17v17: Pro4v20-22

3.By crying unto God to change or help you. To experience real and total transformation, you need God’s Help. Those who sincerely cry out to him for help in the areas of their greatest struggle always encounter his help. So it’s time for you to lay hold of God’s grace. As you do so, I see God’s power prevailing over every area of limitations and struggle in Jesus name. Gen32v26: PS34v6,17
Dearly beloved ones, I believe that as you work out your truths, a better you will break out in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: 1Chro4v9-10: Gen32v26: Acts20cv32: 2Cor3v18: Eph5v26: 1Tim1v12-15

CONFESSION: A better version of me is possible. As I yield myself to the principles of God’s word and his spirit, a better me is on the horizon. I say bye-bye to the old and I embrace the new! My testimony is that I am being changed from Glory to Glory in Jesus name amen