Pro.26v2: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.

God never wants us to live by generalization or superstition. He wants us to live by the truths of His Word. This is why he wants you to walk in his light and not in the dark. This is why I am talking about this great subject. We need to know that there are reasons why certain things are working in our lives and also why certain things are not working. When you know why things are not working, you will be in a better position to know how to make things happen. In our last lesson, I shared one major reason why things are not working, today, by his grace, I want us to examine another reason for this. So here we go.


  1. Breaking covenant practices/protocols. There are several covenant practices in the scriptures, such as giving and receiving, stewardship, service, marriage, and consecration, to mention just a few. God does not joke with his covenant practices; this is why you, too, need to take it seriously. Don’t joke with these sacred practices because doing so carries great consequences. This is part of why things are not working. As a general rule, don’t sow what you don’t want to reap or don’t promise what you cannot deliver. Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No (Matt.5v33-37). Make up your mind to honor God’s covenant instead of dishonoring his covenant.

Dear Beloved, at this juncture, to understand what breaking of covenant practices/protocols means, I would like to share some examples of such with you in the Bible. Check out the following cases:

Eli’s sons. They abused their powers and privileges as a Priest, thereby provoking the wrath of God. They refused to honor their consecration as a Priest (1Sam.2v22-25, 30-36).

Samson. He violated and broke his consecration as a Nazarite (Jug.14v5-9: 16v17-20). This ultimately led to his downfall and ruin at the end of the day.

Achan. Taking what does not belong to him. He took out of the Lord’s portion, thus bringing a curse upon himself and also the defeat of Israel before their enemies (Jos.7v1-26).

Not honoring God in your tithes/offerings (Mal.3v8-12).

Dearly beloved, you need to realize that certain things belong to God, and when you fail to give unto the Lord what belongs to him, there are consequences for such actions.

Plotting evil against others. We are called to do good and not evil. When you get involved in denying people their privileges/rights or plot evil against them, it’s a violation of covenant practices that has severe consequences. There are several examples of this in the scriptures, such as Haman/Mordechai, Joseph and his brothers, Laban/Jacob, etc. As you will see from these examples things did not go well with those who plotted evil against others (Job 4v8; Pro.3v27-29).

So as a general rule, my dear reader, honoring covenant practices and protocols to the best of your ability if you really want things to work together for your good.

Other Scriptural References: (Eccel.5v4-6; Pro.3v9-10: 28v20; Matt.22v21; Deut.29v29; Eccel.10v8; Pro.21v28: 23v10-11; Lk.16v10-12; Philip.2v19-22).

Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to honor and keep all the time the covenant practices of the Most High in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: I choose to honor and respect God’s covenant practices. I am a diligent and faithful keeper of his covenant practices. I treasure and revere his covenant. I desire ever to see and experience the good face of the Most High. I will not get myself involved in any way with anything that will violate God’s protocols and covenant practices. My heart’s desire is to be committed and sold out to your covenant all the days of my life in Jesus’ name, amen.