Lk.18v1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
Have you ever wondered why we need to pray? Why does the word of God encourage you to pray in and out of season? Obviously, it is because of certain tangible reasons as our God does not want you to seek him in vain. I have been sharing some of these reasons with you and I hope you are being blessed. Today by his grace, we go forward again by looking at some other reasons why you need to pray.
- Because the Word of God admonishes you to pray. So when you pray, this simply means that you are obeying God’s instruction or doing his will. In fact, the admonition is repeated over and over in the Scriptures, thus indicating that this is something God wants you to be actively engaged with. This is why you need to take more seriously the business of praying because when you pray, you are obeying God’s command (Rom. 12 v 12; Col. 4 v 2).
- In order to experience revival. Revival tarries because there is decadence in the place of prayer but when you pray like you ought to pray, you will experience regular spiritual awakening or revival in your life. This is one of the cardinal reasons why you ought to be prayerful because prayer is one of the major keys to revival and spiritual awakening. My dear reader, you need to pray often if you want to stay fresh, revived and alive spiritually speaking. So more than ever before, it’s time to give yourself to the business of praying. It’s time for the renewal of your strength, vision and joy. May your revival moment start today (Ps. 84 v 7).
- In order to know the will of God. This is one of the major reasons why you need to invest your time and energy in prayers because prayer helps you to know God’s will and ultimately God himself. My dear brothers and sisters, developing a lifestyle of prayer will help you to ascertain God’s will for your life and, in fact, other areas of your life. I have discovered that those who pray regularly will not be ignorant or oblivious of his will. The truth of the matter is that God wants to reveal his will, plans and principles to you, but prayer is one of the gateways to this dimension. So it’s time for you to rise up to this challenge. It’s time for you to embrace the attitude and culture of praying. I see you walking in a greater dimension of light as you do this (Eph.5v17; Dan.2v18-19).
- To acknowledge your dependence on God. Dearly Beloved Saints, one way you can show to God that you really depend on him is to pray. A proud or arrogant man will not seek after God because he thinks he is self-sufficient in himself. However, this is of the greatest deceits of Satan, for man was never created to live without God. Prayer is the acid test of a life that is truly dependent and devoted to God. So dearly beloved, it’s time to pray. The truth of the matter is that you desperately need God. It’s time to maximize the avenue of prayer. It’s time to connect with your maker on a stronger dimension. May today usher you into this experience in your prayer life (2Chro. 20 v 4-12).
Other Scriptural References: (Prov. 3 v 5; Acts 1 v 24-26; Job 22 v 21; Ps. 36 v 9; Eph. 6 v 18; Phil. 4 v 6; 2Chro. 14 v 11-12).
Prayer for Today: Lord, I yield to your admonition to pray without ceasing. Holy Spirit, help me to stay faithful to the end in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I delight to do your will from my heart. Therefore, I receive grace today to maintain a lifestyle of prayer. I want to grow in my capacity to pray; therefore, I surrender to your word and your Spirit to become a better person in my prayer life. I will pray when I need to pray. I will pray like I ought to pray. I will pray daily and regularly. I make this declaration and promise by the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus. So help me, Father God!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord, grant me the grace to tarry more in the place of prayer for this helps me to know your will and purpose, it is your admonition and also helps me to totally rely and depend on you for by strength can no man prevail. Thank you Lord.
Thank You LORD for reviving my prayer life, I know Your Will and love You better every new day in JESUS Name.
Lord I want to obey your command always. I ask for the grace to do this in praying always. I receive uncommon enablement in the place of prayer now and always in Jesus name