Psalm 16verse8 ‘I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.’
Why should you be a goal-setter? There are always reasons behind whatever we do in life, and in case you are wondering why you need to set goals, then this series of teachings will answer these questions for you. The principle of setting goals is an important skill that you need to imbibe into your life. At times, the reason we don’t do something is that we don’t know how it will be of benefit to us. In this series of lessons, I will share with you some of the important reasons you need to be a goal-setter.
As you can see from our text scripture (Psalm 16verse8) that David was a goal-setter. This is also true of Apostle Paul and Elisah, to mention just a few. So why do you need to set goals for yourself? Why should you be a goal-setter?
1. Because it increases your chances of success. If you want a stronger probability of success, you need to be a goal-setter. It has been discovered that those who set goals have a greater likelihood of succeeding than those who don’t set goals because successful people are goal-oriented people. In fact, success can also be defined as the progressive realization of worthwhile goals and objectives. So my dear brothers and sisters, if you really want to succeed in your endeavours in life, then you need to be a goal-setter. One of the laws of success is the law of goals which states that life will take you to the destination you desire, define and pursue. So a destination undefined is a destination you might never reach. Philip3v13-14. So it’s time for you to begin to live a goal-oriented life so that you can get more of this life.
2. So that you can be better than the man who doesn’t set goals. The people who set and pursue their goals are far better than those who don’t set any goals. A good example of this in the Bible is Elisha. He had a goal for the double portion of the anointing, and went after it. At the end of the day, he was far better than the sons of the prophet who were mocking him or making fun of him. 2Ki2v3, 5, 15. My dear reader, when you set and pursue goals, you have 3 likely options:
-You can hit your goals
-You can over-achieve your goals
-Or you can under achieve your goals.
In any of these propositions, you are still far better than someone who doesn’t set goals. My dear reader,
I believe that you can see from the above scenarios that setting and pursuing your goals will make you a better and stronger person by all standards. So what are you waiting for? You need not tarry or waste time anymore. Now is the time to fully embrace the spirit of setting goals. If you are keying into this, do say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Pro4v18: Jn10v10: Lk13v32: Jn4v34: 1Cor9v26-27: Gen11v6
Prayer for Today: Lord, I choose to say yes to a lifestyle of setting goals from today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I embrace the principle of setting goals from today. I choose to be a goal-setter. I choose to go after my dreams, purpose and heart desires. It won’t be business as usual for me anymore because I now live by purpose and design. No more reckless or careless living! I leverage the power of setting goals from today in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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