Pro.26v2: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.

Dearly beloved, it’s God’s will for things to work out well for you in life. However, when this is not the case, it’s important to find out the root cause of such occurrences. This is what we have been doing in this series of teachings for some time now and I believe you are being blessed and lifted on all sides. Glory be to God; the answers that you seek are hidden in God’s wisdom and knowledge. We have been drawing from this reservoir for some time now. I pray that your expectations won’t be cut off. So when things are not working well for you, what could be the reason? This is what we are about to find out, so let’s check out this principle without much ado.


  1. Not willing to learn. I have also observed that things may not be working out well because people are unwilling to learn. When you refuse to learn, you make things difficult for yourself. When it comes to learning, what kind of person are you? Are you teachable or unteachable? Have you learnt anything today or recently? If you are not learning, it also means you are not growing. Learning should be a continuous thing for you and you are never supposed to graduate out of the school of learning. My dear reader, do you know that you have an unlimited capacity to learn? The problem is that you never exercise it. The price of ignorance is too expensive; this is why you need to embrace learning. If you really want to go forward in life. No Learning! No Growth! No Growth! No Progress! (Eccle.10v10).

It’s time for things to begin to work in your life. It’s time for supernatural progress. If this will become a reality in your life, you must be:

  • Willing to learn from others. Whatever you are doing now can be done in a better way if you are willing to learn from those who have gone ahead of you (Pro.15v2).
  • Willing to learn from your mistakes/failures. The truth of the matter is that failure is a good teacher if you pay attention to its lesson.
  • Willing to learn new/better ways of doing things. Principles are the same but methods keep on changing, your willingness to learn new/better skills will set you on the path of greater success and glory (Rev.21v5).
  • Willing to learn from history. Those who don’t learn from history will keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Are you profiting from your past? (Rom.15v4).

Dearly beloved, learning is a new skill that may not be easy but it will make you a far better person at the end of the day. So it’s time to commit yourself to being a lifelong student or learner so as to fulfill your colorful destiny. I will see you there in Jesus’ name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Dan.1v17; Ps.78v72: 33v3; Lk.15v12-20; Jam.1v5; 1Ki.3v9; Acts 18v24-28; 1Cor.8v2; Hos.6v3: 4v6; Pro.4v5, 7).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I choose to be a learner and not a naïve or ignorant person in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: I commit myself to learning, unlearning, and re-learning things. I rebel against ignorance and every form of darkness. As I walk in the light, progress, and productivity are the order of the day for me. Forward ever, backward never. This is my motto and creed henceforth. My story is changing from glory to glory. No more stagnation and barrenness in my life, for everything is working together for my good in Jesus’ name, amen.