Pro.26v2: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.
Nothing just happens! Things are usually made to happen. However, there are reasons why things may not be working in your life. Instead of blaming God and others like we usually do, we need to look inward and reflect on our activities and lives. Doing this will help you to get a clearer and better perspective on things as we can see from (Pro.26v2) that there are reasons why things are not happening like they ought to. So why are things not working for you? Today by his grace, like I have been doing in this series, we will be looking at another reason why things are not working in our lives. Are you ready? So off we go!
- Wrong Choice. Sometimes, things are not working well like they should because of the bad decisions you have or have made. Your decision is very important because it determines your destiny and the direction your life will go. Your choices or decisions do not only affect you but also those who are connected to you, even the children who are yet to be born. This is why you need to pay attention to your choices because it can either work well or the other way for you. That is how powerful your choice or decision can be. If you are still wondering about the kind of effect a wrong choice can have on someone’s life. I want you to check out the following examples:
– Reuben’s decision to sleep with one of his father’s concubines (i.e., Bilhah) prevented him from getting his father’s blessing when it mattered the most (Gen.35v2: 49v4).
– Esau’s decision to sell his birthright to Jacob over a pot of pottage prevented him from getting his beloved father’s blessings, too (Gen.25v29-34).
– The Prodigal Son’s decision to waste his inheritance on riotous living reduced him to a beggar and abject poverty at the end of the day (Lk.15v12-16).
– Elimelech’s decision to relocate his family to Moab without consulting God made him lose his life and his sons (Ruth 1v1-5).
My dear reader, I hope you can now see how powerful your choices are. Your choices affect your chances in life, while your chances also determine the kind of changes you will experience. In fact, your decision does not affect today but also your tomorrow. So you need to pay attention to your choices if you want things to turn out well for you in life. At times, the predicament you find yourself in life is due to the wrong choices you have made.
My dear reader, if you have made the wrong choices, my candid advice to you is to do the following:
- Retrace your steps, i.e., stop doing the wrong thing (Lk.15v17).
- Repent, i.e., have a change of heart and of our ways (Lam.3v40).
- Return to base, i.e., as the Prodigal Son did in (Lk.15v17, 20). It does not matter how long you have been doing the wrong thing; it doesn’t make it right. So it’s time to turn a new leaf. It’s time for you to begin to make the right kind of choices as this will set your life on a favourable path. Choose to make the right decision like Joseph did in (Gen.39v9) when Potiphar’s wife confronted him. Choose the right choice as Daniel did in (Dan.1v8) when he chose not to defile himself. The power of choice is in your hands. It’s time for you to start using it to set your life on the right track and path.
Other Scriptural References: (Ruth 1v16-18; Gen.13v10-11; Deut.30v19; Pro.11v14; Jos.24v15; Pro.4v5, 7).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to master the art of making the right choices over the wrong choices in life in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: My choices carry either a positive or negative consequence. Therefore, I choose to make the right choice over the wrong choice. I seek the right kind of information and the wisdom of God in making my decisions. I choose according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh. I allow God and his spirit to influence me in making up my mind on anything. I am no longer a victim of bad choices, for Jehovah is my wisdom and guide. Therefore, I profit maximally from my decisions and choices from henceforth in Jesus’ name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.