Jn15v8, 16: “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciples. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give you.”
Dearly beloved, it’s clear from our text Scripture (in Jn.15v8, 16) that God wants you to be fruitful. This is His will concerning you, so fruitfulness is your heritage and portion. This is why you need to be pro-fruitful and not anti-fruitful. By this, I mean you need to say yes to fruitfulness and no to every form of unfruitlessness in your life. However, if you will be fruitful indeed, you need to know what fruitfulness is all about. This will be the focus of this series of lessons. So, what does it really mean to be fruitful? I’ll like us to examine this from 7 dimensions which are as follows:
The meaning of fruitfulness:
1. To be full of fruit or not devoid of fruits. When you are fruitful, you are not lacking in fruits or you have something to show for your labour and efforts. This is what fruitfulness really means. There is nothing as frustrating as working or labouring with nothing to show for it. This is why I decree today that an end has come to every form of fruitless efforts in your life, for your time to be fruitful has come. If you believe this, receive and appropriate this by faith. Your fruits are supposed to be the evidence of your labors. Therefore, anything contrary to this should be rejected in Jesus name (Isa.65v23).
2. Fruit is the consequence of the blessing. I mean the blessing of the Lord which is the supernatural enablement of God to prosper and succeed. Thus, fruit is the result of the blessing of the Lord. This simply means that blessed people are fruitful people or when you are blessed, you are fruitful. So, to be fruitful means to be blessed. This is another meaning of being fruitful. Fruitful people are blessed people (Pro.10v22; Eph.1v3). This ought to be so in your life because you are a carrier of the blessing; therefore, fruitfulness ought to be the norm for you. It’s time for you to walk in this understanding! You need to know with absolute conviction from today that being fruitful means to be blessed. If you truly know you are blessed, say amen!
Precious child of God, this is what fruitfulness means and this is what you need to manifest in your life. I want you to declare this authoritatively today that this is your portion from henceforth!
Other Scriptural References: (Philip.2v16; Lk.5v5-6; Gen.1v28: 9v1: 22v16-18: 26v3-5)
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge from today that fruitfulness is my portion and heritage; and fruitful I will be in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am called to be fruitful. Therefore, I shall not be barren. I am anointed to bear fruits, therefore, I shall not be fruitless. I am fruitful in my body and labor of my hands. I am fruitful everywhere I go. The signature of fruitfulness is on my works and endeavors! Because I am a carrier of the blessing, fruitfulness is my lot and portion in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Signature of fruitfulness is on my works and endeavors! Because I am a carrier of the blessing. Fruitfulness is my Lot & Portion in Jesus name Amen 🙏