Mark 9verse23 ‘Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth’.
Impossibility is nothing with God (Lk1v37) and our God is a God of possibilities. In the same vein, God wants his children to also walk in the realm of possibilities. I know we live in a challenging and difficult world, but the realm of possibility is available to you. As you can see from our text scripture (Mk9v23) that all things are possible to him who believes. Notice it’s your belief that opens the world of possibilities and so most of the time, it’s our belief that is shaking. This is why I want to share some truths with you about believing if you will walk in the Realm of Possibilities.
1.You have the capacity to believe. As a believer, God has dealt with you the measure of Faith, so this means you have the capacity to believe. Rom12v3
2. Believing is a choice that you make. Nobody can force you to believe against your will. It’s your personal decision to believe or not to believe. So what kind of choice have you made? Lk1v45.
3. Believing is a culture that you have to imbibe or develop. Believing is not an automatic thing but an attitude or behaviour that you need to cultivate. You do this by discipline and constant practice. So are you ready to Imbibe the culture of Believing? Num13v30
4. Believing is what opens the door of possibilities. No believing, no possibilities! When you say Yes to believing, you also say yes to possibilities. May your belief make way for you. Matt9v29
5. We are not all on the same level of believing. Some can believe little, more or even much! Why is this so? This is largely due to our level of exposure, experience, and expertise regarding the word of God. Matt8v26. So it’s time to work on your capacity to believe!
You can become a great believer if you start working on your faith and increasing your capacity to believe. The greatest miracles always happens when we walk on our capacity to believe. Without any iota of doubt, I believe that God is set to do something new in your life in this season, but you need to believe. Say this out loud “Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief”.
Other Scriptural references; Rom4v17-21; 10v12: Jn20v24-29: Matt15v28: Heb4v1-2: 1Thess1v3
Prayer for Today: Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to the realm of Possibilities!
CONFESSION: I believe in the Realm of Possibilities; hence, I walk in the realm of Possibilities. Nothing is impossible for me because I am a believer. I am a believer and not a doubter. Glory be to God it’s a new dawn for me!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏