Heb.13v4: Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Pro.4v7: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
Dearly beloved, you are welcome back to our discussion on “Understanding Marriage.” A lot of people seem to have one idea or the other about marriage but it’s important for us to have the correct view and perspective about it; hence, the reason we have been talking about what marriage really represents. To get a handle on what marriage is, we need to draw from the fountain of wisdom of the creator of marriage, which is our Heavenly Father. In order to strengthen our understanding of marriage, I will be sharing more truths about marriage that I believe will be of great blessing to you. So if you are ready, here we go! (Jn.8v32)
Basic truths about marriage:
5. Marriage is a good thing. Yes, marriage is a blessing and not a burden. Marriage is not evil as we have been made to believe by some people and philosophers. You need to start seeing marriage as a cure and not a curse. The creator designed marriage to meet certain needs of humanity. So how can it then be a problem or an evil thing? You need to jettison the idea that marriage is not a good thing and start seeing it as a blessing instead if you really want to experience marital bliss (Pro.18v22).
6. Marriage is responsibility. If you are not willing to make sacrifices and be responsible, then don’t marry please. Ask yourself this question and be sincere about it, “Am I willing to bear the responsibility of being married?” Are you ready to lead, nurture, provide, care, protect, secure, sacrifice etc.? Your answers will tell whether you are ready to be responsible for your actions and your marriage. My dear reader, are you ready to bear the price of responsibility of marriage? (1Tim.5v8)
7. Marriage is challenging. This is another fundamental truth of marriage that must be told. Marriage is challenging in nature; that this is why every marriage has its own challenges. Before you marry, you need to ask yourself if you are ready to face the challenges of marriage because marriage will challenge your faith, work/business, emotions, finances and other areas of your life. But the good thing is that there is no challenge it brings your way that you cannot surmount and overcome in Christ, for you are more than a conqueror (Rom.8v35-39).
My dear reader, the married life can be an exciting journey for you if you understand what marriage entails. May the joy of marital bliss never elude you in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.34v19; Jn.16v33; Gen.2v18, 24: 30v30; Eccle.4v9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the blessings of marital bliss and joy that you have provided for me. I believe and receive it by faith in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I know that God’s plan for me maritally is good. Therefore, I am determined to make the most out of my marriage. As I walk with the Lord, I will experience the peace and harmony of marriage. The joy of marital bliss is my heritage and portion. Glory be to Jesus for my marriage is proof that God is faithful to His promises.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Powerful discussion on marriage. Thanks so much sir and I pray we will all continue to enjoy marital bliss and we won’t have any reason to regret getting married. Amen!