Matt.22v37: Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”.
I believe you are enjoying this series of teachings on true lovers of God. Your Love for God should not be hidden or in doubt! It ought to be Genuine and Real! It should be sincere and without deceit. Your Love for God should be total and complete. This is what our text scripture also focuses on. Can you say indeed and in truth that your love for God is sincere? You can also know whether your love is real or not. There are certain indicators or signs of someone who truly loves God and I have shared three of such keys with you so far. However, today by his grace, I will be sharing more with you. So if you are ready here, we go!
4. They genuinely love people. You cannot say you love God and you don’t love people. God is a people Lover. In fact, true lovers of God are true lovers of People. God has a genuine interest in people. Can you say the same thing about yourself? If you truly love God, you will not hate your brother (1Jn.4v20-21). A true lover of God will also be their brother’s keeper. My dear reader, how would you rate yourself when it comes to loving others? God can take your love for others to another level if you allow him. May today mark a new beginning in your love for others in Jesus name, amen.
5. They are interested in what God is interested in. A true lover of God takes an interest in what God loves or takes pleasure in. So what are the things that God delights in? God takes pleasure in Soul Winning, Righteousness, Justice, Faith etc. These are just some of the things that matter to God. Do these things also matter to you? Until a man begins to take pleasure in the things that matter to God, he cannot be said to be a true lover of God. So it’s time to start taking pleasure in the things that matter to God. As you do this, your love for God will also go to another level. May this be a living reality in your life (Matt.6v33; Isa.61v8; 2Pet.3v9).
6. They are willing to spend and be spent for God or the things of God (2Cor.12v15). A true lover of God is Willing to sacrifice their time, treasure, talent etc., for the good of the Kingdom. My dear brothers and sisters, there is nothing like loving God and not loving him with whatever you possess. Giving is proof of your love for God (Jn.3v16). So what are you willing to give up for Him? Nothing is too big or small to give up for God! A true lover of God serves him with everything that they have. It’s time for you, too, to begin to make worthwhile investments into God’s House. If God could sacrifice his son for you, then you ought also to give something back in return. This is the least you can do and may today mark the beginning of your sacrificial commitment to his House (Matt.19v27-29).
7. They are committed to the establishment and expansion of his kingdom. True lovers of God want to see his Will done here on earth as it is in heaven. They are sold out to his Kingdom. They are Kingdom Builders and Advancers. These were how the founding fathers of the early church served. This is how you, too, ought to serve God. To what extent are you committed to the expansion of his Kingdom? Are you giving your best or just doing the minimum? The answers you give to these questions will tell where you are with regards to being a Kingdom Builder (1Cor.15v10).
It’s time to serve the Lord with a new spirit. It’s time to be wholeheartedly sold out to his Kingdom! It’s time to be a Genuine Lover of God!
Other Scriptural References: (Col.1v29; Acts 4v34-37; Lk.7v5:8v2-3; 1Tim.2v4; Eze/18v23; Rom.2v4; Matt.9v13; 1Jn.3v14-18; Jn.13v35).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, restore and revive my Love for you in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I seek the blesser and not just the blessings. I seek his presence and not just his presents. I seek his Face and not just his favuor. My heart longs for his Heart. This is my earnest desire and prayers. To love him more and more is my heart desire and pleasure. I receive grace to be a doer of this truth in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Let my heart seek you Lord and follow hard after you in Jesus name. Amen.