Dan. 9 v 2: “In the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem”
Daniel was not only a distinguished and powerful influence in Babylon, he was also an avid reader. He was a man who enjoyed and also knew the value of reading. In (Dan. 9 v 2) it’s apparent that he got to know God’s mind concerning Israel through the studying of the books that were written by Jeremiah the prophet. A closer look at Daniel’s early life also showed that he developed his reading culture from the time he came to Babylon (Dan. 1 v 4, 17). Readers are learners and learners become leaders. This is how it works. No wonder Daniel became an influential leader in his time.
Dear friends, it’s time for you to develop a reading culture. When it comes to reading, how will you score yourself? In order to understand this better, I want you to consider the following questions:
- When was the last time you read a book?
- How many books do you read in a year, month, or week?
- How well or fast do you read?
- What are you doing to improve your reading habits?
- What kind of books are you reading i.e. fiction, romance, inspirational, spiritual, business, or professional books et cetera. There are different kinds of books as you can see from the examples given here and it’s important to choose the kinds of books you want to read depending on who you want to be, where you want to go, and what you want to accomplish in life.
Dear reader, the answer you give to these questions will determine to a great extent where you stand with regards to the value you put on reading books. Studies have shown that reading improves your memory and overall intelligence. Books can also offer you valuable advice and counsel. Therefore, I challenge you today to embrace the lifestyle of an avid reader.
Other Scriptural References: (2 Tim. 4 v 13; Eccl. 1 v 17; Lk. 4 v 16: 1 v 13; Rev. 5 v 1)
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace from today the reading culture and I commit myself to become an avid reader of books. Holy Spirit, help me to stay true to this commitment in Jesus name.
CONFESSION: I choose to be a reader and not a novice. I choose to be knowledgeable and not an ignoramus. I commit myself to read, especially books that will help me accomplish my destiny and purpose in life. I embrace the discipline and commitment to reading. I say no to every distraction and obstacle on my way. I believe in the value of reading and the result is evident in my works and endeavors. Hallelujah, things are changing for the better in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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