1Chro.11v9: So David went on and became great, and the Lord of hosts was with him.
Dearly beloved, greatness lies within you as a child of the covenant for you are destined to be a great achiever. Just as King David was a great achiever, you too can experience the same if you follow in his footsteps. The secrets of becoming a great achiever are available and accessible to every child of God. These secrets will work for you if you will work it. So far, I have shared two of these secrets with you and in today’s lesson, I will be talking about the third secret. So without much ado, let’s look at this great secret.
- Willingness to start with what you have. Most of the time, we look down on what we have instead of celebrating it. What you have is what will take you to where you desire to be. What you have, has the potential to take you to the next level. This is why you should not despise what you have neither should you complain about what you have because what you have is capable of turning your life around (Exo.4v2, 17). Begin or start with what you have no matter how small or insignificant it is. This is what the founder of Motorola did several years with the last money he got from the auction of his failed business. He started Motorola and like they say, the rest is history. You too can give birth to something great if you are willing to start with what you have.
Therefore, my dearly beloved ones, what do you have? Yes, you have something if you will really take a moment, pause and consider very carefully. You have certain things that you can start with that can change your story and destiny. If you look closely and deeply, you will see that:
- You have some things in your hands that can make a great impact if you will only put it to work like the young lad in (Jn.6v9).
- You have some things in your home that can change your story if you will only put it to work like the widow and the prophet in (2Ki.4v2).
- You have some things you have received that can change your life if only you will maximize those opportunities like the wise servants in the Parable of Talents in (Matt.25v14-30).
- You have some things in your life that can transform your life forever and the better if only you put them to work (1Sam.22v2)
The most important thing is for you to just start with what you have or possess. Just put it to work and be faithful about it. Be willing to follow the guide and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Commit it into God’s hands and it will surprise you to see what God will do. My charge to you today is to start with what you have no matter how little or insignificant it is. Keep pushing and applying yourself until the fruits of greatness start manifesting in your life. You will get there in Jesus name, amen.
Other Significant References: (2Sam.23v8-39; 1Sam.18v23; 1Chro.29v1-5; Jn.12v24; Rom.12v6; Eph.4v7; Philip.2v14).
Prayer for Today: Lord, I am willing to start with what I have! Please, help me not to lose my focus or get derailed in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I celebrate and appreciate what I have. What I have is special and unique. What I have is what will take me to my place of destiny. Therefore, I put what I have to work and to test. I invest my hours, days, and time wisely into what I have. As I give my best to what I have, my God is blessing and empowering what is in my hands. Glory be to His name, for I shall not be put to shame as I manifest the fruits of a great accomplisher in life in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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