2Cor.4v8-10: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
Dearly Beloved, how you respond to the challenges of life will determine to a great extent whether you will overcome or not. This is why you need to demonstrate the right kind of attitude in the midst of the challenges of life. My dear reader, this is why we have been talking about the right ways of responding to the challenges of life. I have shared seven of these mentalities with you and in today’s lesson, we will be examining three more mentalities. So without wasting time, let’s look at these mentalities.
8. A Restful Mentality. This is an attitude that is at peace with God regardless of the situation or circumstance of life. This kind of mentality cannot be shaken or moved by external circumstances but sorely trusts in God to see them through. This is how God wants you also to respond in the midst of the challenges of life. No more anxiety or worry but your heart is at rest in God, knowing fully well that he is too faithful to fail you. So it’s time to enter into God’s rest. Let God take over and stop the agitation and distress (Heb.4v11).
9. A Forgiving Mentality. This is a mentality that is free of bitterness, malice, anger or unforgiveness. It’s an attitude that is free of negative emotions and vibes. This is the kind of attitude that God want you to demonstrate in the midst of life’s challenges. This was the kind of attitude that Joseph had; otherwise he would not have attained greatness in Egypt. He chooses to be better instead of bitter. This is how you also need to fight your battles. Stop the bitterness and malice. Allow the love of God that is within your heart to lead the way. I can guarantee you that you would not be put to shame when you take up this kind of mindset (Eph.4v31-32). So, my dear reader, say Yes to forgiveness and say No to bitterness.
10. A Proactive Mentality. This is an attitude that is active and not passive. This kind of mindset takes initiatives and is action-oriented. It’s not an idle or passive mindset but it’s always on the move. This is how God expects you to respond to life’s challenges too. So it’s time to make things happen and seize the opportunities of the moment. The truth of the matter is that if you don’t move, nothing else will move. So it’s time to take action. It’s time to make something happen. As you do so you will discover a solution and make headway in the journey of life (2Cor.7v3). I want you to always remember that freedom comes with responsibility, so if you want to be free, you must be willing to take action. So what are you waiting for? Start taking decisive actions today! Start moving in the direction of your destiny. As you do so, a new day will begin to unfold for you in Jesus name, amen. My dearly beloved brothers and sister, I can see the breaking forth of a new day and dawn as you begin to respond positively to the challenges of life. I will see you at the Top.
Other Scriptural References: (Exo.14v13-14; Jam.2v20, 26; Col.3v13; Philip.4v6-7; Jn.14v27; Ps.37v7; Acts 27v25; Isa.26v3-4).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace a positive mentality towards my challenges and troubles. I refuse to give in to a negative or contrary mentality in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The challenges of life do not break me, but it’s working for my good. I am profiting out of the challenges of life. I am becoming a better and stronger person. I am victorious in all of my challenges; I am a winner and not a loser; I am a victor and not a victim. As I embrace the right kind of attitude, I am ascending to new heights and fulfilling my colourful destiny. Glory be to Jesus, for I am being changed from glory to glory in Jesus name, amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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