Joshua 1verse 8 ‘This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.’

Dearly Beloved Ones, I believe that you are enjoying this series of teachings on the power of meditating in God’s Word! Meditating in God’s Word will take your life to another level. This is why God does not want you to miss out on the immense privileges and advantages of meditating in his Word. I pray that these benefits will be a reality in your life! Today by his grace, I Intend to share with you the remaining benefits of meditating in God’s Word. I trust that you are ready for this, so without much ado, let’s examine these truths now.

It will cultivate within you a love for God and his Word. Ps119v97

Its a source of reassurance and strength.

It enables you to trust in the Lord with all your heart.Pro3v5-6

It gives you better clarity in making decisions.Col3v2

Your life becomes a reflection of God’s Word. i.e as you practice meditation in God’s Word regularly, you will begin to think, talk and act like God.

It’s a great aid to prayer. Ps5v1

It fosters repentance and reformation of life.Ps119v59

It helps you in understanding God, others and yourself.

It will help you to gain greater understanding and be changed by the Word.

It empowers you to be a stronger Believer.

My dear brothers and sisters the way to benefit from the Word of God is by meditating in it day and night! Are you ready to take up this challenge?

Other Scriptural References: Ps19v7-12; Col3v16; Pro4v20-22; Jer15v16.

Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to be a doer of this truths indeed in Jesus name amen.

CONFESSION: The power of meditating in God’s Word is working mightily in me and for me! I am a partaker and a beneficiary of this grace! This is my testimony and Experience in Jesus name amen.