Pro.11v30: The fruit of the righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
You are welcome back to our discussion on this great and important subject of winning souls. It is very clear from our text scripture in (Pro.11v30) that when you win souls, you show to God that you are fruitful. In fact, the business of winning souls is everybody’s responsibility and he that winneth souls is wise. We are called to be His witness. A witness is someone who has seen, knows, or experienced something, so if you have experienced, seen, and known the goodness of Jesus Christ, it is something that God wants you and I to tell the world. Never forget this, child of God, that you are called to be his witness by the special grace of God. Today, I will continue to share with you some other reasons why you need to take the business of winning souls very seriously. Why do I win souls? Are there any legitimate reasons why I should do this? The answer is YES, so today, I will go a step further by examining more reasons with you along this line.
- Because this is the primary reason that Jesus Christ came into the world. Jesus Christ came for the redemption of humanity. His primary business was to redeem or restore man back to God. He came to redeem us from sin, sicknesses and disease, death, poverty and lack. This is his primary mission, and it’s just sad that many children of God had made the primary mission of Jesus to become secondary or tertiary in their lives. This is why you need to take the business of winning souls seriously. The reason you should be a soul-winner is because that is the reason why Jesus came, and we need to take this primary reason very seriously if we are ever going to please the heart of the Father. So it’s time to rise up to this challenge.
- Because you have been given the task of reconciling men back to God. Therefore, you are the door or mediator between God and man. You are supposed to be a reconciliation. In fact, when you look at the scriptures, it is clear from (2Cor.5v18-20) that:
* You are being given the ministry of reconciliation.
* You have been given the word of reconciliation.
* You have been made an ambassador of Christ. This simply means that this is your responsibility, duty, assignment or job description. The big question you need to ask yourself today is whether you are living up to this responsibility or not. Are you playing your role as the one whom God has chosen to reconcile man back to God? I believe that today marks a new beginning in your life as we begin to take more seriously the task of winning souls. - Because God will love all men to be saved. This is the heartbeat and the desire of the Father, and I want you to know that you and I can do a lot to make this happen when we take the mandate of winning souls seriously. If you look at it from the natural, you will wonder if I can really save all men. That is not within your power, but at least you can do your part by taking the mandate of winning souls seriously. I want you to know, precious child of God, that winning souls is the heartbeat of the Father. It is what makes the heart of God beat. It is what is on his mind and his agenda and this is why you need to take the mandate of winning souls seriously. I believe that today a new fire will be ignited within your spirit as you rise up to this challenge in Jesus name (2Pet.3v9).
Other Scriptural References: (1Tim.2v4; 1Jn.3v5; 2Cor.5v21; Lk.5v32; Jam.5v20; Rom.5v8).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to take the mandate of winning souls very seriously. Help me to play my part to the best of my abilities in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, I receive a new fire to run with the mandate of winning souls. I can see clearly now the reasons why you want me to be a soul-winner. I receive a fresh baptism of fire to run with this mandate. I will talk to and influence as many people as possible in the name of Jesus. I will begin to take seriously the opportunities, the people and the situations and circumstances that you bring my way to be your voice in the midst of a dark and crooked world. I receive a renewal of strength and vision as I pursue this mandate in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Renewal of strength and vision I prayed for to be light that will shine everywhere I go, in all that I do in the midst of dark and crooked world, help me Lord in JESUS Name.