Colossians4verse6: ‘Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.’
It is apparent from the above scripture that God wants us to pay attention to the words in our mouths. Moreover, when it comes to the subject of marriage, how we speak to each other matters a lot. And this is why we are looking at the importance of communication in marriage! Why is communication a critical element of a successful marriage? I will be providing answers to these and many more questions by his grace. But before we look at the importance of communication in marriage, what is communication?
Communication is transferring information from one person or group of people or places to another. Ideally, communication involves the sender, the message, and the recipient! Essentially, the function of the sender is to encode the message, which could be done through a combination of verbal and non-verbal communication. Then, the recipient’s responsibility is to decode the message and communication is complete when the feedback is initiated, i.e., when the receiver informs the sender that the message has been received and understood. This is what the whole process of communication is all about. Jn8v32.
So why is communication important in marriage?
1. To solve misunderstandings. This is one of the primary objectives of communication, and the more we communicate, the more we can resolve issues around misunderstandings.
2. To know each other. Communication helps couples get to know each other better, and this is why it’s such a needed quality in our homes. Hos6v3.
3. To prevent guesswork. Communication helps to prevent issues of assumptions or presumptions in marriage, and this is why it’s something you need to work hard on.
4. To build trust. Trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship, so it’s no wonder it’s important for a husband and wife to work towards having better communication in their homes.
5. To build love. Love is like a garden that needs to be tendered and catered for. Communication provides an excellent opportunity to nourish and nurture the love between the husband and his wife. SOS8v6-7.
6. To build the relationship. Our marriages will be as strong as our communication to some extent. How can the husband and his wife develop their relationship if they refuse to communicate? So, my dear friends, this is why communication is such a vital part of a successful marriage. Pro14v1.
7. To learn new things. This is another glaring example of what effective communication will do to a marriage. So, my dear friends, you need to embrace this truth with the whole of your heart so as to build your home on a solid and stable foundation. I pray that this will be your testimony and song today in Jesus’ name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Eph4v15, 25, 29; Pro18v13: 25v11; Jam1v19; Matt7v12.
Prayer for Today: Father God, help me to give more attention to communicating effectively in my home in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I embrace the truths of these teachings by faith today. I will be a doer and not just a hearer. And as I apply these principles, my marriage will be a source of blessing and encouragement to my world in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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