Psalm 92verse10 ‘But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil,’
Dearly beloved, there is an anointing to flourish and this anointing is your heritage as a believer. God does not want you to walk by your strength alone, he also wants you to walk by his own strength! And I tell you, His own strength is far better than your own strength because his strength is unlimited and inexhaustible. You just need to know how to activate and position yourself so that this anointing can work for you. In our last lesson, I shared with you some of the kind of potential that is available in this anointing. Today by his grace, I will be sharing with you further insights about this anointing. If you are ready, here we go!
The Flourishing Anointing:
3. Will enable you to prosper regardless of who is in power or government. Glory! I really love this one! The flourishing anointing is no respecter of who is in power, government, or authority! It works regardless of these factors. So Precious Child of God, what is your excuse? In actual fact, you don’t have anyone! Because it was by this anointing that Daniel prospered in Babylon regardless of who was in government or power. Dan6v28. My dear friends, God has not changed! What he did for Daniel, he can also do it for you too, if only you can believe. At least from what I can deduce, Daniel prospered in the reign of at least four different Kings! He was neither related nor connected to any of them. So precious child of God, it doesn’t matter who is in government, you will prosper. If you believe this, can I hear a resounding amen?
4. Will enable you to prosper regardless of the circumstances of life. The conditions or challenges of life do not limit this anointing. In fact, it prevails better in such a kind of condition. Take a good look at Joseph’s life in Egypt; it was not palatable at all, yet he prospered by this anointing. It did not matter whether he was a slave, prisoner or Prime Minister, he still prospered. So dear friends, your circumstances can not limit or stop you. Jer17v7-8. The only thing that can is your humble self. So give no room for unbelief or doubts. This anointing is no respecter of circumstances! So I see your circumstances bowing down to this anointing. My dear brothers and sisters, it’s a new day for you! Things will definitely not remain the same again because your liberation has come!
Other Scriptural References: Philip4v13: Gen39v2-6, 21-23: Ps1v3; Ps92v12-14
Prayer for Today: I choose to walk in the consciousness of the flourishing anointing! I say no to every attempt of the enemy to make me walk in the flesh and by this anointing I am more than a conqueror in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Father, thank you for opening my eyes to the treasures of the flourishing anointing! As I walk with you and by faith, I appropriate all the privileges of this anointing. I refuse to settle for an ordinary life because I dominate my world by this anointing! Hallelujah

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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