Psalm 92verse10 ‘But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil,’
According to Psalm 92verse 10 there is an anointing to flourish, which is also substantiated in other Bible passages. It was the flourishing anointing that enabled the likes of Joseph and Daniel to prosper in their respective domains despite the fact that they were foreigners! My dearly beloved ones, there is an anointing to flourish that you can depend on and also live by. This anointing is the heritage of every believer, you just need to know how to place a demand on it. If you take a careful look at our text scripture (Psalm 92verse10), the word “fresh” can also be translated as new, green, verdant, flourishing or prosperous. So, in essence, we could say also, “I shall be anointed with a flourishing or prosperous oil”. Glory be to God, the flourishing anointing is available and there are some peculiar things about this anointing that you need to know in order for it to work for you. What are these truths? If you are ready for this, here we go!
The Flourishing Anointing:
1. It will enable you to prosper regardless of where you are. Glory be to God in the highest! This anointing enables someone to prosper anywhere they go. This is the kind of potential that is in this kind of anointing, which is something that God wants you to take full advantage of. If you are still wondering if this is true, take a good look at the life of Joseph in Egypt. It was this anointing that was at work in his life, no wonder he prospered anywhere he was. (He prospered in Potiphar’s house, just like he prospered in the prison and much more in the Palace). Gen39v2-6,21-23; 41v39-44. So my dear reader, where you are is not a problem because by the anointing you can prosper there and in fact, I decree that from today, this will be your testimony in Jesus name, amen. If you are connecting to this, can I hear a thunderous amen?
2. It will enable you to prosper regardless of what you do. You know, people have said that there are some jobs that seem to thrive better than other jobs. I know that this is true in some respect, but believe me, with the flourishing anointing, you can prosper regardless of your job description or environment. This is what we see in operation in Joseph’s life in Egypt. Joesph prospered as a slave in Potiphar’s house. He prospered as a Prisoner! He also prospered as the Prime Minister of Egypt! So my dear brothers and sisters, what is your excuse? In actual fact, you don’t have any excuse because this anointing will cause you to flourish regardless of your job title or description! So henceforth, don’t allow your job description to limit you because by the anointing, you will do exploits in Jesus name, amen. Ps1v3. The same anointing that worked for Joseph will also work for you too because God is no respecter of persons but a respecter of faith. Glory be to God! For your days of winning by the anointing is here! If you are receiving this, can I hear a resounding amen?
Prayer for Today: I receive by faith today all that the anointing to flourish represents and by this anointing, I prevail in life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: 1Sam18v5, 14, 31: Jos1v7: 2Ki18v7: Dan1v17, 20: Ps23v5
CONFESSION: My days of walking in the dark are over. It is a new day for me! For as I walk by the anointing to flourish I prosper regardless of where I am and regardless of my job description! I refuse to be limited by my environment or men! I step into a new dimension of dominion by the anointing! Hallelujah

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Am really blessed