Eccle.4v9: Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour.
I trust that this series has been of great blessing to you so far. It’s important to understand the rules that govern relationships, especially the one that is maritally inclined. There is a way you ought to behave and comport yourself in a relationship. This has been the subject of our discussion and today by his grace, I will be sharing more of these relationship nuggets with you. So if you are ready, here we go.
16. Forgive and Forget. Successful Marriages or relationships are built on the principle of forgiveness. So my dear reader, choose to be a forgiver. Choose to walk in love over keeping malice or bitterness. One thing you should avoid at all costs in your relationship with your partner is holding onto grudges and resentments. Stop holding anything against your partner. Let go of the past, embrace the future. This is how to make your relationship work (Eph.5v31-32).
17. Pay attention to any Red flags. Red flags are warning or danger signs that you have noticed in your relationship with your partner. Some examples of this can include the following:
– Someone who finds it difficult to forgive and forget.
– Someone who is selfish or self-centered.
– Someone who is abusive either physically, verbally, or emotionally.
– Someone who keeps talking about their Ex(s).
– Someone who is difficult to please or satisfy.
– Someone who can’t be corrected.
– Someone who can’t control their anger.
– Someone who doesn’t keep promises.
– Someone who is ungrateful.
– Someone who is Arrogant or Pompous.
– Someone who is Possessive.
– Someone who is manipulative in nature.
– Someone who is a pathological liar.
These are just some of the Red flags to look out for in any relationship. These red flags are indicators of dangers or trouble that lies ahead. You need to be discerning and discreet in dealing with such things so that you can enjoy the bliss of your relationship (SOS2v15).
18. Never marry someone who can’t abstain from or wait for Sex. Chastity and Sexual control is important part of courtship or any marital relationship. So keep yourself pure. I know this may not sound acceptable to the World but that’s God’s standard. And it’s still the best. It pays great dividends at the end of the day. So keep yourself pure for each other (1Pet.1v15-16).
19. Resolve Conflicts Amicably. As a matter of policy, don’t allow the Sun to go down on your wrath. Always resolve your conflicts on time. There will be disagreements or misunderstandings but how we resolve them is what matters. It’s going to be difficult to stay together if you can’t get along easily with your partner. So my dearly beloved ones, make up your mind to be a peacemaker. This will help you in molding a stronger relationship with your partner (Eph.5v26-27).
20. Never stop working on Yourself. The implication of these is that it will make your relationship stronger and better. So keep working on yourself. You agree with me that you are not perfect. So be ready to learn, unlearn and relearn. This is the secret of any successful relationship. In fact, the day you stop learning is the day you start dying. So as a matter of policy, make continuous learning a part of your lifestyle. This will help you in producing a better you and also a stronger relationship (Matt.5v48).
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s possible to have a strong relationship with your partner. There is no limit to how far you can go in your walk with your partner. I pray that these nuggets will transform your life for the good in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1Cor.8v2; Pro.29v1; 1Tim.5v22; 2Tim.2v22; Gen.24v16: 29v20-21; 1Cor.7v5; 1Thess.5v22).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, breathe upon my relationship life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God, it’s a new day for me. My relationship life is changing for the better. God is visiting my ability to relate with my partner. God’s visitation comes upon my walk with my partner. I am becoming stronger in my place of weakness as I gain new insights and wisdom, my relationship life is going from one level of glory to another in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord I receive strength in my place of weakness as I have insights and wisdom my relationship life is changing for the better in JESUS Name.