Ephesians 5verse18-20 ‘V18 – And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; V19 – Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; V20 – Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’

Dearly beloved, there are several benefits that you stand to gain from living a Spirit-filled life. This is why you cannot afford to do without these blessings as a believer because it will surely enable you to walk in the fullness of your heritage in Christ. However, before I share some of these benefits with you, we need to know what a spirit-filled life is all about! So what’s a Spirit-filled Life?
-It is a life of living and walking in the Spirit Gal5v16, 25.
-It is a life of being constantly filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit. A Life that is regulated and directed by the Holy Spirit. Rom8v14.
So what are the benefits and blessings to be derived from living such a Life?


1. Fruitfulness. You can’t be full of the Holy Spirit and not be fruitful. Being full of the Holy Spirit actually goes hand in hand with fruitfulness because the Holy Spirit himself is a fruitful personality, so your being full of him enables you to be fruitful in all areas of life. Acts11v24; Isa32v15.

2. Sensitivity. Being filled with the Spirit enables you to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit because it increases your level of sensitivity in the spirit realm. My dear friend, this is one major benefit that you don’t want to miss or pass up in life because you actually need this in order to navigate through this life. So this is why you need to embrace the Spirit-filled life as a lifestyle. Acts7v55.

3. Access to the Supernatural. A Life of being filled with the Spirit is the gateway to walking in the supernatural realm. My dear reader, as a believer, you were destined to walk in the supernatural. This is part of your heritage in Christ, for you are not supposed to live as mere or ordinary people. So it’s time to put on the supernatural. It’s time to manifest your colourful destiny. Don’t allow the enemy to keep you under or in the arena of the flesh. Strive from today to live above the natural and the flesh by embracing the Spirit-filled life. This is the life that the Apostles lived in the early church that made them outstanding and different from others! You can experience the same results because God is no respecter of persons but of faith. May this be a living reality in your life also in Jesus name, amen? Acts4v31, 33:6v8.

Other Scriptural References: Ps65v9-11; Isa44v3-4; Heb3v7; 1Thess5v19.

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, take absolute and total possession of my life in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: The Spirit-filled life is my desire and delight! I long to live and walk in the fullness of his power and Spirit. Therefore, I surrender myself wholly to you blessed comforter! Thank you for filling me to overflowing in Jesus name, amen.