Psalm 75 verses 6 – 7: ‘For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.’

Everyone loves to be promoted, but there are certain criteria for promotion. People don’t just get promoted, otherwise, everyone would have been promoted. This is what I will be sharing with you in this series of teachings. As you can see from our text scripture in Psalm 75 verses 6 – 7, God is a promoter and nobody promotes like him. He is the best promoter and his basis of promotion is different from that of man. So how does God promote and what is his basis for promotion? These are some of the things I will be sharing with you, so let’s get started without much ado!


1. Faithfulness.

God rewards faithfulness. Ask yourself, how faithful am I? How faithful are you to God, your employer, your work or assignment, or even your business or the kingdom? Lk16 v 10 – 12.  The more faithful you are, the greater your promotion and vice versa. My dear brothers and sisters, faithfulness is an essential quality you need in life if you want to make great progress and Impact. This was the secret of men like Daniel and David, to mention just a few. You need to embrace this all-important quality if you want to rise in life. 1Sam22 v 14

So, how can you know whether you are faithful or not? How can you measure someone’s level of faithfulness? It can be done through the following means:

a. By your level of commitment. Your level of commitment indicates your faithfulness, so how committed are you? Ruth1 v 16 – 18

b. If you keep your promises. Being a man of your word indicates your level of faithfulness. Does your word mean anything to you? Ps15v4

c. By your level of persistence. Faithful people are persistent people. Faithfulness is the concept of remaining loyal to someone or something and putting that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of external circumstances. How persistent are you? Matt 10 v 22

d. By obeying his word consistently. Those who regularly honor God’s word are faithful, so how many of his commandments do you keep? Jn 13 v 17

Dearly beloved, these are just some of those things you can use to evaluate your level of faithfulness. So how would you score yourself? Whatever verdict you come out with, just know that faithfulness is an important criterion for promotion in whatever you do, so make it your friend.

Other scriptural references: Matt 25 v 21,23: Pro 28 v 20: Lk 19 v 11: 1Cor 4 v 2: Ps 89 v 15-17; 148 v 14: 1Chro 29 v 25

Prayer for today: Abba Father, help me to embrace the culture of faithfulness in all that I do in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: I acknowledge God as my promoter, therefore, I shall not labor in vain. As I remain faithful in my endeavors and vocation, I will be lifted to new heights. I will remain faithful no matter the challenge or opposition. I will remain loyal to myself and my convictions. As I do so, my lifting shall be undeniable in Jesus name amen.