Hebrews 11verse1,6 ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. V6-But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’

I believe you are enjoying this series of teachings on the basics of faith. Faith is something that is beyond human comprehension or reasoning. It’s beyond the five senses; that is why it can only be understood by divine revelation. I pray that the holy spirit will grant you further understanding as we proceed in this discourse in Jesus name, amen.

My focus from today’s lesson will be on the simple and necessary things (the basics) that you need to know about faith. So what are this BASICS OF FAITH?

1. You have faith as a child of God. This is one of the most profound truths that you need to know if your faith will ever work. As a child of God, you already have faith. It’s not something you are trying to get but something you already possess. So my dear friends, you don’t need to pray or fast for faith because it was imparted to you when you were born again. This evidence is clearly stated in the word of God (i.e., Rom12v3: 2Cor4v13: Rom1v12).

So my dear reader, know that you have the God kind of faith. It’s not inferior but the same kind of faith that Jesus and the apostles had. Glory be to God; you have mountain-moving faith as a believer! 

2. The Word of God is the basis of your faith. It simply means that God’s word is the food or source of your faith. This is another important truth that you need to know if your faith is going to ever produce for you. Real faith is based on the word of God, not on traditions of men, sentiments, feelings, opinions of others, what somebody said, denomination etc. Precious child of God, you need to know that you cannot have faith outside or beyond the word of God. Matt4v4. This is why the more you grow in your knowledge of God’s word, the more the opportunity for your faith to grow. So as a general rule, no word means no faith, less word is less faith and more word means more faith.

The word of God is what nourishes and enriches your faith. This is why you need to give adequate attention to God’s word; if your faith will work like God said it should work. Col3v16: Pro4v20-22.

Dearly beloved, I trust that you have been blessed by the things I have shared with you today; as you meditate further on it, may your faith stand strong.

Other Scriptural References: Heb11v3: Rom10v17: 2Pet1v1: Gal2v20: Tit1v4: Mk11v22-24;5v27

Prayer for Today; Father God, I thank you that my days of walking in the dark are over because I now have the light of your word.

CONFESSION: Glory be to God, I have the God-kind of faith and the word of God is the basics of my faith. My faith grows as my knowledge of God’s word grows. My faith is made strong by the word. Therefore, I live by his word regularly and my faith is working effectually for me. Glory be to God, it’s a new day for me!