Getting Ready For the New Year 3

Getting Ready For the New Year 3

2Chronicles27verse6 ‘So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.’ The secret of success lies in your preparation, or to put it in another way; success comes when opportunity meets with preparations. This is what happened to Uzziah in...
Time To Reflect And Project 5

Time To Reflect And Project 5

Eccle.3v1: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. We ought to have moments of reflection and projection in our lives. This is how God created us to live and this one of the ways you can maximize your life and potential to the fullest....
Time To Reflect And Project 4

Time To Reflect And Project 4

Eccle.3v1: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. Life ought to be lived in seasons; this simply means that there are certain things you need to do at certain times and one of such things is having time to reflect and project. The...
Time To Reflect And Project 3

Time To Reflect And Project 3

Eccle.3v1: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. Do you realize the importance and value of reflecting and projecting? If not, then you are in the right company and place today. We cannot overemphasize the need for us to take time to...
Time To Reflect And Project 2

Time To Reflect And Project 2

Eccle.3v1: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. You are welcome back to our discussion on the subject of reflecting and projecting. I hope you are gaining wisdom and help as per this concept of thinking and planning. This is why you...