Proverbs 13 verse 20 ‘He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’
I believe you are enjoying our discussion on the subject of Relational Success. You need to know how to handle relationships very well if you want to make a success out of life. Anyone who doesn’t know how to relate with others will have a hard time succeeding in life because you have to deal with human beings as long as you are here on planet Earth. Hence, becoming a relational success is key to success in other areas of your life. And from our text scripture (Pro13v20), you obviously can see that who you associate yourself with, will determine whether you will succeed or not. So, my dear brothers and sisters, regardless of where and who you are, you need to know, how to become a relational success. By the grace of God today, I will be sharing two more powerful principles that will help you in this regard. Let’s examine these principles right away.
3. Understand the purpose of your Relationship. There are reasons for everything in life, hence, you need to know the reasons for the relationships that are in your life. Failure to know this is what leads to abuse or misuse of that relationship. Dear reader, every relationship in your life has a purpose. Do you know the reason for the relationships in your life? Do you know the reason for that woman or man, wife or husband, son or daughter, friend or Mentor? For instance, you might have a relationship with a brother or sister that is just for spiritual edification and not for marital purposes, but that is if the people involved know the purpose of that relationship. Pro16v4.You need to know that people are in your life for a reason, a season, or for a lifetime. Your Ability to discern this truth is key to your success relationally speaking. If I were you, I would begin to pay attention to the reasons or purposes for the relationships in my life. The more you can define these purposes, the better your chances of success in that relationship. May today usher you into a new and better understanding of the relationships in your life in Jesus name.
4. Don’t be a Disagreeable Person. A disagreeable person is someone rude, unpleasant, contentious, unforgiving, malicious, and also a difficult person. They are often stubborn and unwilling to learn. Such kinds of people are often difficult to get along with. The bottom line is that a disagreeable person won’t be successful in their relationship life. This is why you need to jettison this kind of attitude from your life if you want to be a relational success. Yes, I know that this does not mean that you will agree with everyone on everything, but the truth is that it’s possible to disagree with someone without being a disagreeable person. This requires a lot of wisdom and courage. May Jehovah grant you wisdom and grace in disagreeing with someone without becoming a disagreeable person. Pro29v1. My Dear reader, you can come to this level of walk in your relationship with people. This is why you should be careful in shutting relationship doors gently because you might need to open that door someday.
I trust that you have been blessed today by the truths I have shared with you. I look forward to sharing the remaining principles with you in our next lesson. Stay blessed and lifted!
Other Scriptural references: Lk17v17: Ps133v1: Eph4v3: Amo3v3: Pro15v12; 19v21: Num10v29-32: Eccle3v1: Gen2v18.
Prayer for Today: Lord I receive your wisdom and grace in handling the relationships that are in my life to the glory and honor of your name in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: Becoming a Relational Success is my goal and pursuit. As I walk with God and his principles, I am becoming better in my relationships with others. I am also changing for the better. I am becoming more like Christ in my character and conduct. The wisdom and grace of God are making a difference in my relational life from this moment onward! Glory be to God for this!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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