1 Thes. 5 v 16: “Rejoice always”
Rejoicing evermore is God’s will for you as a believer and it’s important also for you to know why he wants you joyful all the time. There are reasons why God wants us to maintain a joyful attitude towards any situation of life and this is going to be the focus of our discussion today. So, why should you rejoice always? You should rejoice:
- Because the joy of the Lord is your strength. What does this mean? It means the more joyful you are, the stronger or powerful you will be, and vice-versa. So, being joyful gives you strength, power, or might. Joy, therefore, is one of the secrets of being anointed. This is why Satan is after your joy; so, give him no place (Neh.8v10).
- Because the joy of the Lord is your victory. Being joyful will make you victorious in the battles of life. The more joyful you are, the more victorious you will be, and vice-versa. This is such a powerful truth that embracing it will make winning much easier in the challenges of life. Are you ready to rejoice always? (1Sam.2v1; Acts 16v25-26).
- Because the joy of the Lord is your health. Being joyful is medicinal in nature i.e. it has curative and healing powers (Pro.17v22). This has also been scientifically proven and established. This implies that rejoicing evermore will keep you healthy and vice versa. What is your choice today? I guess it’s to rejoice always!
My dear reader, it’s obvious that the Lord has your interest at heart, hence the reason he wants you joyful. Therefore, I encourage you to choose to rejoice always instead of allowing yourself to be overwhelmed with the circumstances of life. Rejoice and welcome to a triumphant life!
Other Scriptural References: (Ps. 92 v 1-4, 10-11: 14 9 v 6-9; 2 Chro. 20 v 22-26; Pro. 15 v 13)
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank you for helping me to understand the reasons why I need to be joyful. I choose joy over sadness, discouragement, or despondency in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Rejoicing always is my heritage in Christ and I embrace joy over sorrow. I rejoice in the Lord my strength, my victory, and my health! I refuse to postpone my day of joy and I choose to rejoice in the Lord today. I take responsibility for my joy and as I rejoice, my strength is being renewed. My victory is guaranteed and my health springs forth speedily. Glory be to God for I will not be forsaken in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
My victory is guaranteed in Jesus name. Amen