1Thessalonians 5verse18 ‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning you.’
Gratitude ought to be part and parcel of our lives as believers according to what our text scripture says (1Thessalonians5v18). But if you look at the lives of some children of God, you will notice that some people still struggle with showing gratitude. Why is this so or happening? These are the reasons I will be sharing with you in this teaching by his grace. As you can see from our text scripture, God wants you to be thankful in all circumstances of God. So why do we struggle to honor and obey this scripture? My dear reader, the reasons are not farfetched and without much ado, I like us to consider some of the reasons for this at this juncture:
1. Because of the difficulties and challenges of life. If care is not taken, the problems of this world can hinder you from being grateful if you allow it, so be watchful and vigilant. 2Cor6v10
2. Envy. Looking with malice or coveting what others have can also prevent you from being grateful, so say no to envy. Pro27v4
3. Greed. Lk12v15
4. Pride. Lk12v16-20
5. Narcissism.The feeling that life or people owe you something is also one of the reasons why many people are not grateful, so it’s time to say bye-bye to this negative habit.
6. Materialism
7. Negative Emotional baggage from your past. If you fail to deal with the negative effects of your past, it can rob you of the joy of the present and even tomorrow. So let your past be in the past.
8. Feeling that gratitude is a sign of weakness. Rather, on the contrary, gratitude is a sign of strength and power. This is why you need to embrace the concept of gratitude today.
9. Feeling Impatient
10. Because of not being taught. Yes, this is another reason why some people struggle with show ing gratitude. There is a place for teaching in the body of Christ. This is why it’s so important for people to be properly taught because faith begins where the will of God is known. Col2v6-7.
11. Because of not realizing the power of Thanksgiving.
12. Bitterness and Resentments. Eph4v31-32
13. Assumptions
14. They are comparing themselves with others. 2Cor10v12. This is one way of multiplying your unhappiness, so you need to avoid this at all costs.
15. They are focusing on the wrong things. My dear reader, what you focus on will determine whether you will be grateful or not, So if I were you, I would choose my focus wisely.
Dearly beloved, I hope you can now see why some of us struggle with showing gratitude. And if you look at these reasons critically, you will see that they can be subdued. So as you cooperate with the Holy Spirit today, may your struggles be converted to stepping stones to your next level in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Eph5v20: Col4v2: Heb13v15: Hab3v17-19: 2Cor7v4
Prayer for Today: I rebel in the name of Jesus from every form of excuse of being ungrateful today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I embrace the culture of gratitude from today and I renounce every form of ingratitude in my life and operations. I chose gratitude over ingratitude. I choose commendation over criticism! I choose to be thankful over complaining. This is my attitude from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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