(Isaiah 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand)
The will of God for you as a believer is to rule and dominate your world. He doesn’t want you to be terrified or fearful. This is why we have been studying the subject of “Reasons not to fear” for some time now and once again in today’s lesson, I will be sharing with you two more reasons why you should not allow fear to lord over you. You should not fear because:
h. Fear is of the devil. This may look strange but this is absolutely true because there is no fear in God (1 John 4:18). Fear is of the devil and Satan is the author and originator of fear. When God made man in the beginning, man was fearless until he sinned through the deception of Satan (Genesis 3:10). So, since fear is of the devil, this is another reason for you not to fear because if you do, you will be giving access to Satan into your life. I guess you don’t want Satan to gain access into your life; this is one important reason you should say “no” to fear. I want you to say this out loud: “I have nothing to do with fear since I now belong to God. Fear will not have its way in me.”
i. Fear is of no good and benefit. In fact, fear will do you more harm than good. Why should I be involved in something that will ruin my life in the end instead of building me up? I want you to understand that fear will add no value to your life, so why fear? There is nothing profitable in fear. In fact, fear can inflict the following things on a man if you allow it:
– Fear can imprison you or bring you into bondage (Romans 8:15). So, say “no” to fear.
– Fear can torment your life (1 John 4:18).So, say “no” to fear.
– Fear paralyses initiatives and action.(1Samuel 7:11).So, say “no” to fear.
– Fear is harmful and dangerous. It can have adverse effect on your health both spiritually, emotionally, and physically (Luke 21:26). So, say “no” to fear.
– Fear is a limiter (Numbers 13:30-33). So, say “no” to fear.
Precious child of God, I believe it’s very clear to you now that fear will do no good but harm; therefore, say “no” to any form of fear. I pray that you will gain mastery over all your fears in Jesus’ name, amen.
Thoughts for meditation
- Fear is of the devil and not of God.
- Fear has nothing good or beneficial to offer you.
Other Scriptural References: John 10:10; Job 3:25-26; I John 4:4: Romans 8:15.
Prayer for Today: Father God, I thank you for giving me total victory over all my fears. I embrace and walk in the liberty you have purchased for me. Henceforth, I refuse to serve fear anymore in Jesus’ name. Amen. I come into my rest.
CONFESSION: Fear has no place in me. I refuse to surrender to my fear. I dominate all my fears in Jesus’ name, amen. I walk in victory over any form of phobia. I am free from the bondage of fear. Instead, I walk in the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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