(Isaiah 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand)
You are welcome back to our discussion on “Reasons not to fear.” As we have seen from Isaiah 41:10, we have cogent reasons not to fear. God wants you fearless and not fearful. We have been examining some reasons not to be afraid and our focus in today’s lesson will be centered on two more reasons why you should not fear. Without much ado, I want us to examine them right away.
g. Because fear is an enemy and not a friend. Fear is a foe, adversary, and an opponent. How do you treat an enemy? You fight and resist an enemy vehemently. You don’t entertain or play with an enemy. This is how you ought to deal with your fears. You need to fight aggressively against it because fear is an enemy of your peace, destiny, joy, happiness, health, victory et cetera. Child of God, you need to remember that the next time you entertain fear, you are giving the enemy room to steal your peace (1Peter 5:8-9).
h. Because God’s promises never fail. There is no reason for you to be afraid because God’s word is ever faithful. Men, governments, or systems may fail but God’s word never fails. So you can rely on God’s promises to help you in gaining the upper hand over your fears. God is too faithful to fail and He is able to do whatever He has said in His word. I want you to know that when you lean on God’s promises, you will overcome all your fears for God’s word has the perfect solutions. Rejoice, my dear reader, for your victory is guaranteed (1Samuel 15:29; 2Corinthians 1:20).
Thoughts for meditation
- Fear is a foe and not a friend
- God is too faithful to fail
Other Scriptural References: Isaiah 43:2; Mark 4:35-41; Psalm 119:86, 138; Job 3:25-26; Numbers 13:30-33; 1Thessalonians 5:24; Matthew 4:22-27)
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I refuse to give in to a lifestyle of fear and insecurity. I affirm today and always the superiority of your word above every fear and embrace the victory that is available in your word in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: The Lord is my light salvation or whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of my life of whom will I be afraid? I boldly declare that I renounce fear in any form or fashion. I refuse to allow fear to dominate my life. I embrace the truth of God’s word; therefore, I am free and delivered from every bondage of fear. As I stand my ground against fear, I rule and dominate all of my fear, worries, and anxieties in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Hallelujah! What a promise we have in JESUS CHRIST Our Lord. Faithful God I worship YOU, Lord I pray for Grace to trust You the more.