Pro.26v2: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.
Do you know that there are reasons behind unanswered prayers because we serve a God who is committed to hearing our prayers, so when our prayers are not answered, it’s because of certain reasons or factors? I have been sharing some of these reasons with us and I believe you are have been blessed by those truths I have so far shared with you. Today by his grace, I will proceed further by sharing with you two more powerful reasons for unanswered prayers in our lives. So without much ado, let’s examine these reasons right away.
- An unforgiving Spirit. This kind of spirit can manifest as malice, strife, bitterness, or envy. In fact, this is one of the major reasons for unanswered prayers in our lives. Refusing to forgive and walking in unforgiveness has hindered and affected negatively many believer’s prayer life. This is why you need to embrace forgiveness at all cost. Choose to be a forgiver if you want your prayers to be answered quickly. Look at the example of Joseph in the Bible; despite all that his brothers and Potiphar’s wife did to him, he lived a better life because he refused to be bitter. Unforgiveness is like poison, so you need to avoid it at all cost (Jam.3v16; Gen.50v20). Do you know that there is a connection between answered prayers and forgiveness? You can see evidence of this truth in the following scriptures: (Matt.6v9, 12; Mk.11v25-26). So, my dear reader, if you really want to receive answers to your prayers, choose today to be swift in forgiving others and yourself. Doing this will guarantee you answers to your requests.
- Not praying according to the right order. God is a God of order and decency. There is a right order to praying and there is also a wrong order to praying. What’s the right way to pray? The right order to pray is to pray to the father in the name of Jesus and not in the name of any other man. This is how Jesus instructed us to pray (Jn.16v23-24). But we see people today approaching the father through other people’s name. This is why some prayers go unanswered. The way to pray is to pray to the father in the name of Jesus Christ. This is very important as no other person can pay the sacrifice that Jesus paid for you and besides, this is why he is the High Priest of your confession. He is right there in the throne room to defend and to fight your cause. So you need to start praying in the right order if you are really serious about getting answers to your prayers (Heb.4v15-16: 3v1).
So it’s time to lay hold the provision that the father has made for you. It’s time to take your prayer life to another level.
Other Scriptural References: (Eph.2v18; Jn.14v13-14; Eph.5v20; Matt.6v7, 9; 1Pet.3v7; Col.3v13; Rom.13v8; Eph.4v31-32; 1Tim.2v8; Matt.18v15-20, 21-35).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I commit myself from today to praying in the right order in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to pray according to the scriptures and not according to tradition. I choose to pray in the right order and not according to man’s way. God’s ways are higher and better than man’s way. Therefore, I will not be put to shame as I pray in the right order. My prayer life is getting better because I have entered into the dimension of answered prayers. Glory be to God, what a joy and delight to have my prayers answered whenever I call on the father.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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