Romans12verse11 ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord.’
Dearly beloved, I believe that you are gaining new insights and understanding as to how to serve God especially if you want to prosper in God’s work. It’s sad to know that not everyone is prospering in God’s work. This, however has never been God’s plan or agenda. Isa48v17. This is why the lord has brought this series of messages your way and I believe your service is going to another level. To prosper in God’s work requires you to serve him in a particular manner and today, I will share another important strategy for serving God profitably. Are you ready for this? I am sure you are, so off we go!
7. Serve God with Love. This should be your motivation for service if you want to prosper in his work. 1Cor16v14. My dear reader, let it be known that you are serving God because:
-You love God. This is very important if you want to prosper in serving God. It’s difficult to serve someone you don’t love; this is why it’s essential for you to really love God. Deut6v4-6
-You love his house, work or kingdom. If you truly love his work, you will love to see its expansion. Lk7v5
-You. Love people genuinely. This is so vitally important as you cannot serve well the people you don’t love. Jn21v15-17
So my dear brothers and sisters, are you serving God with love? If your service is a loveless service, I doubt if God will reward it. This is why love should be your motivation for service. And how can you serve with love?
-By serving without malice, hatred, envy, jealousy, animosity or bitterness of heart. 1Pet2v1-2
-By serving with a large heart. This means that you are accommodating in nature with regard to your service. Lk23v34
-By serving because of what you want to give not get or gain. Jn6v2.
My dear reader, be much more interested in being a contributor and not just a consumer! Be a blessing and not a burden! Be a burden lifter and not a problem giver. Let love always be the driving force behind whatever you do in his house. If you serve like this, I guarantee you that your labors won’t be in vain in Jesus name, amen. If you believe this, say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: 1Tim3v3,8: 1Pet5v2: 2Cor6v11: Eph4v31-32: Pro10v12: Jn15v13
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I receive grace and your help to be a doer of your word in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am serving the Lord because I love him. I love him with all of my heart, soul and might! His love for me is unusual and uncommon. Therefore, I choose to give God my best and my all in all. Nothing compares to his love for me, so therefore, I will not allow anything to hinder me from serving him to the best of my ability! This is my solemn vow and pledge in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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