Romans 12 verse 11 ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord.’
I trust that this series of teachings on prospering and doing God’s work has been a great blessing to you! It’s paramount for you to examine yourself from time to time to see if you measure up to God’s standard as per your outcomes in life. God has not called us to labor in vain and God’s work is the most profitable work that anybody can be involved with. So if you are not prospering in God’s work; it’s not the fault of God. This is why God is bringing these truths our way so that we can be in a better position of prosperity. Today by his grace, I will proceed further by sharing another important key to prospering in God’s work. So let’s examine this principle right away.
6. Serve God with the right motive. Motive is the reason for doing something. So why are you serving God? Our motives for service must be right otherwise, it would affect the outcome. My dear friends, you need to serve God with the right motivation if you want to prosper in God’s work. Pro16v2.
To understand what it means to serve God with the right motives, I want us to see some examples of right and wrong motivation for service as discussed below:
-To be seen of men.
-To be known by men i.e., popular or famous
-To show off i.e., vain glory. Gal5v26.
-To prove something
-To be rewarded by men
-To show that you are better than others
-To satisfy your ego or pride
-To bring Glory to God. Matt5v16
-To be a blessing. Acts10v38
-To extend God’s Kingdom
-To bring about a positive change. Acts9v36-41
-Because of your love for God.
My dearly beloved ones, I am sure you can now understand what it means to serve with the right motives. So it’s time for you to embrace this culture as a means of serving God because serving like this will always attract the blessings and favor of God. May this be a living reality in your life.
Other Scriptural References: Pro21v2: 1Sam16v7: Lk2v35: Matt6v2,5,16: Jam4v3: Matt20v20-23
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to keep my motivation for serving right all the days of my life in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to serving you with the right motive. It’s not about me, but it’s all about you, Jesus! I, therefore, surrender my will to your will. Help me to serve in this manner all the days of my life!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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